this time tomorrow my head will be fucking terrified. i know i might actually cry from a tattoo. it will look sick as shit though. this time next week i will lose my crystal castles virginity. i know i want to remember everything but i also want to do drugs get fucked up and dance the night away.i met up with some people form work at the bar earlier and the one kid asked why im not slaying guys. he aways analyzes me while hes drunk and its always hilarious. tonight he asked why as confident as i am that i dont slay guys. last time it was that im intimidating. hes a good kid and i know him and his girl are going to get married one day. i love them together its super cute and just fits. but yeah made me think i wish i could slay guys. but id feel too bad afterwards. i also found out my own coworker who left me to die at jimmy buffet about a month ago to fuck our other coworker is now fucking my manager. she is the reason why people in restturants get bad names. is it really that important to fuck our whole staff? besides the fact that there is a web growing between her and another girl. i cant figure out if they are tying to spite each other or just cant keep their legs shut. i know its none of my business but at some point enough is enough. id like to go to work and not be afraid of catching some sort of std. i guess i will try to attempt to sleep. the insomnia is starting to creep in again. soo we shall see..till then
I am sure all will go well with your tattoo... stay strong... crying is ok.... punching and screaming is not...LOL
What are you getting tattooed on your head?