once again back is the incredible....rhyme animal...
when people tell us to love america or leave it, we are the ones who say "see ya!". i have spent loads of time in europe and i have no problem at all with emigrating somewhere else. why not? everyone else wants to come to this bloody insane country, why is it so wrong for us to want... Read More
hey, we are in the new apartment. my mother is here visiting for a week. i love my mom to bits, she is really hot and SINGLE (hey, any older men on here?) hool is coming to visit soon so maybe i will end up on SG someday.
peter asked me to marry him on june 28th in straus park. he got down on one... Read More
we found a new apartment. we start moving in this week. what colors should we paint?? i am so very fucking excited. we will be like real married people!!
it's a cozy (read: not huge) 2 bedroom in midtown near times square. there is a zen palate on the corner (VEGAN FOOD) and a bicycle shop and many many restaurants. there are no halfway houses.... Read More
I moved into my apt in October....it seems like the the never-ending poject. I work in the hood where your new place is. I love the Zen Palate place too.