look! i have new swim suits & silly pics!
i love having a digital camera again
i am having a fantastic day, week, & month! although i am not getting as caught up on bills or having the extra cash i would like... i guess it would help if i didn't have a shopping addiction...
i am starting to work on my stuffed animals again. i am currently working on a jungle animal for Graffiti_Hunter.. i hope it turns out to be something she likes..
i have most of it done.. just have to do the arms and legs and then decide if i want some extra pieces or not... it is for a baby so i don't want to get to crazy..
anyway... thank you again for all the support on sunday shower..
if you think it is awesome you can always go back and check it out and leave a comment for the staff telling them how much you like it.. it would be awesome to see this set go live! help me make it happen
have a good week!

i love having a digital camera again

i am having a fantastic day, week, & month! although i am not getting as caught up on bills or having the extra cash i would like... i guess it would help if i didn't have a shopping addiction...

i am starting to work on my stuffed animals again. i am currently working on a jungle animal for Graffiti_Hunter.. i hope it turns out to be something she likes..

anyway... thank you again for all the support on sunday shower..

if you think it is awesome you can always go back and check it out and leave a comment for the staff telling them how much you like it.. it would be awesome to see this set go live! help me make it happen

have a good week!
Those swimsuits are very 80s. 

You are so sexy!!!