hey guys,
it has been a while i know.. things have been kind of crazy. while at my mom's for christmas i told her i would drive my grandma home with her this past weekend and that we could make a weekend out of it considering she lives in louisville, ky. so that was all set. then last friday i get a call from brian saying that our apartment was flooded. what?! i guess when the maintenance man was working on the toliet issues out in the above apartment he forgot to pinch something somewhere and because of this the pipe burst all into my apartment. the water was pouring out of our guest bathroom ceiling and the walls. it was so freaking disgusting. and i think that my apartment had mold becuase it reeked of it after like 5 hours. it was awful.
now how am i supposed to move and take grandma home? i dont know but i did. my mom, brian and i took were in the car for 22 - 23 hours sunday and then on monday brian and i had to move all of stuff to a new unit. we had no help or no one to ask so we it took us 12 hours to move on monday. suck! i am not moving again in 5 months when my lease is up.
moving is the pits!
i didn't realize how much crap we had until this week.
after all that i had to work on tuesday and my body was a wreck and i was feeling very weak. so, unfortunately i had to leave work early and when i got home i got really sick. i couldn't keep any food down until wednesday and that was only dry toast for the first half of the day. i caught of those stupid 24 hour bugs...
but it is all good because i get to go to chicago tomorrow to visit one of my all time favorite people in the world.
diana! and her bf nam! they are the coolest
they are super nice. for my birthday and such they got me a plane ticket out to visit for the weekend. i am totally stoked and can't wait. i haven't seen diana in like more than a year. i am ready for my fix.
so i guess that even though this week started out bad it is ending pretty awesome. and i have better apartment now due to the flood which isn't so terrible. it has just been a real stress and headache. i just hope that i pick right back up from and don't dwell on it as i tend to do.
hope you are all doing well and i am sorry that i haven't gotten back to you yet. i will back more soon enough i promise! i hope you all have a great weekend and i will back on monday with some fun pics from the weekend.
it has been a while i know.. things have been kind of crazy. while at my mom's for christmas i told her i would drive my grandma home with her this past weekend and that we could make a weekend out of it considering she lives in louisville, ky. so that was all set. then last friday i get a call from brian saying that our apartment was flooded. what?! i guess when the maintenance man was working on the toliet issues out in the above apartment he forgot to pinch something somewhere and because of this the pipe burst all into my apartment. the water was pouring out of our guest bathroom ceiling and the walls. it was so freaking disgusting. and i think that my apartment had mold becuase it reeked of it after like 5 hours. it was awful.
now how am i supposed to move and take grandma home? i dont know but i did. my mom, brian and i took were in the car for 22 - 23 hours sunday and then on monday brian and i had to move all of stuff to a new unit. we had no help or no one to ask so we it took us 12 hours to move on monday. suck! i am not moving again in 5 months when my lease is up.
after all that i had to work on tuesday and my body was a wreck and i was feeling very weak. so, unfortunately i had to leave work early and when i got home i got really sick. i couldn't keep any food down until wednesday and that was only dry toast for the first half of the day. i caught of those stupid 24 hour bugs...
but it is all good because i get to go to chicago tomorrow to visit one of my all time favorite people in the world.
diana! and her bf nam! they are the coolest
they are super nice. for my birthday and such they got me a plane ticket out to visit for the weekend. i am totally stoked and can't wait. i haven't seen diana in like more than a year. i am ready for my fix.
so i guess that even though this week started out bad it is ending pretty awesome. and i have better apartment now due to the flood which isn't so terrible. it has just been a real stress and headache. i just hope that i pick right back up from and don't dwell on it as i tend to do.
hope you are all doing well and i am sorry that i haven't gotten back to you yet. i will back more soon enough i promise! i hope you all have a great weekend and i will back on monday with some fun pics from the weekend.
You had a good time?
hope that chicago is fun and more relaxing than the past few days have been for you...