Check this out: DreamMoods. I found out about it at work yesterday (yes, the people I work with have nothin' better to do than look for dream interpretation websites
). I have very strange dreams, and I also have recurring dreams. I'm not sure that EVERY dream means something--I mean if you dream you work at McDonalds but have to dress up as a clown WTF does THAT mean???--but I find dream interpretation amusing, and I'm always curious to see if someone else's interpretation might actually apply to me.
Besides the weird sex dreams and SAW-esque nightmares I have, there are three recurring themes that slither into my sleep. Spiders, tornadoes, and waves. I didn't think DreamMoods went into enough detail with wave dreams, and it's pretty much a no-brainer that if you dream about being hit by a tidal wave you're feeling overwhelmed by something. And spiders in my dreams are always a source of terror--not a symbol of feminine sexuality.
However, when spiders do pop up in my dreams, they usually are tarantulas (
I can barely type the word!). According to DreamMoods, those things represent your dark & sinister side. Hmmm. I could sort of see the representation of spiders as creative energy, and those nasty t-spiders as my dark side. Maybe it means I'm exercising both my creative skills and my dark side way too little. That actually makes sense to me at this point in my life. Anyway, if it stops the spider dreams, it's gotta be good.
So give it up, my lovelies. What crazy dreams are you plagued by, or what is the weirdest/scariest/sexiest dream you've ever had?
Besides the weird sex dreams and SAW-esque nightmares I have, there are three recurring themes that slither into my sleep. Spiders, tornadoes, and waves. I didn't think DreamMoods went into enough detail with wave dreams, and it's pretty much a no-brainer that if you dream about being hit by a tidal wave you're feeling overwhelmed by something. And spiders in my dreams are always a source of terror--not a symbol of feminine sexuality.
So give it up, my lovelies. What crazy dreams are you plagued by, or what is the weirdest/scariest/sexiest dream you've ever had?
Fantastic dream! I especially liked the part about killer zombie nurses...
Hey just stumbled across your journal. I just had the weirdest dream ever last week. For some reason I was good friends with Johnny Depp, who I've never met. He drops by unexpectedly at work, and the office staff is freaking. Fat Bill comes running out of the office into the shop, which of course he never does, and tells me Johnny Fucking Depp is up front waiting for me. I nonchalantly tell him OK, be there in a minute. He's all like Dean, long time no see, don't you check your messages dude? And we're catching up on old times while peolple are eavesdropping in the most obvious ways. He wants me to build Winona something(yeah I know they broke up a long time ago, but this is a dream)for her birthday, and even brought a fallen Cherry tree log from his farm in France to build it from. I say how the fuck did you get it through customs and he's like c'mon I'm a fucking movie star. We're on the way out to Charlotte Douglas in my truck to get the cherry when the alarm goes off. Yeah just thought I'd share that.