It's all about where you look for it my dear. Chances are you have quite a few "just friend" guys that would treat you like a queen already.
But since that's not gonna happen, just don't settle for anything less that what you deserve, and never be afraid to tell them how you feel and ask them for the things you desire from them. You'd be surprised how easy life can be with just some simple communication.
I feel you on that one. I do wish the best and I'm sure you'll find that which you seek. There will always be those few stumbling blocks before you find that very right thing. I'm just crossing my fingers that I'll have the luck I'm promising you that you'll have!
um i dont think you can see it all that well in my photos but it is down to my pectoral muscles. I usually keep it in a tight gelled braid like in the picture in my blog
people are so horrible to me on formspring makes me laugh as it annoymonous so that cant be held up for being so vial ahah. they are actually writing horrible things about ym daughter i mean how pathetic can they be????
That's the beautiful part of the internet. Cowards can tell anything to anyone and not even have to identify themselves. It's so convenient that even the most pathetic pussy can muster up enough courage to bad mouth someone they normally wouldn't have the guts to even look in the eye. Isn't it great?!?!?!
I wouldn't pay no mind, people who anonymously post don't deserve to be heard, and people who only spread negativity don't deserve to be acknowledged. just cancel your account, pay them no mind, and go on living your life. Let the haters find someone new to harass before succumbing to their own karmic retribution.