SO.. I'm being thrown out today by my aunt.. Family sucks balls I tell you.. I will be moving into a house with no utilities.. somehow i'll make it. i have some blankets and socks to keep me warm. also my friend was nice enough to send me a few bucks for food. idk what's gonna happen with me but i'm happy that you guys are my friends and just wish me luck and survivability. I have no car so I'll make do. Time's are tough. You guys won't hear from me for a while since i won't have electricity or a phone for much longer. I know it sucks. Hopefully I can get a job as well. My old job now is saying they don't need people which is a load of crap. but meh. if i can hang on for tax season it would be great. See ya guys. Muah te amo siempre.

Look forward to your valiant return!