what the fuck. I don't know what to do.. I have dates and somehow they're married... or meet people and they're taken why do I attract these kinds of people? Just because i'm a huge sinner doesn't mean they should too then what's the point of being with that person? and what makes you think you would do that to me??? DUH!!!! I have no idea what to even think or do... I like the attention but I just feel bad for that other person. Not to mention, I have people at work digging into my personal life and people are saying oh we have to talk about this.. and they're FEMALES!!!!! I'm sensing an insecurity issue here... just because you see me with a guy who is in a relationship doesn't mean i'm fucking him. and so fucking what if he wants to buy me lunch it's off the stupid dollar menu ANYWAYS der der!!.. ugh females piss me off I swear I'm supposed to be a dude or something.. i'm about to head into work pissed off and disgruntled. I don't pray but these customers better be nice cause i'm about to S N A P!
p.s no i'm not a psycho or whatever I just had it up to here^ with females trying to tell me its wrong when they don't know whats going on... TELL YOUR BF / HUBBY NOT TO LIE TO ME STUPIDS!! lol ugh.

p.s no i'm not a psycho or whatever I just had it up to here^ with females trying to tell me its wrong when they don't know whats going on... TELL YOUR BF / HUBBY NOT TO LIE TO ME STUPIDS!! lol ugh.

Guys suck. I seem to have the same problem of attracting guys who are married or with girlfriends ect. It's annoying. Girls always want to think it's your fault. uuuum how bout telling that motherfucker to leave me the hell alone.
Tell em girl!