Hey Hey
I keep on this come and go thing with the SG... but my days have been busy to death
I guess now that my older kid is back to school and I'm on my maternity leave, I'll have more time to spend here
My cute daughter has finally arrived and she is just perfection

I'm totally in love with her.
I was waiting for her to be born since december 26th but she was a little lazy...
I was more and more anxious each day...
And the Christmas came....

And she didn't... hahahaha
I was freaking out cause the end of pregnancy is like... very dificult, I couldn't sleep, couldn't eat, couldn't enjoy walking....
just hard to deal with.....
I used to sleep the whole day long, and take pics of myself and take care of my older kid
These were my last pics pregnant, just 1 or 2 weeks before the labor

And then on January 7th I finally felt something!!! It was about 6:00PM and I started to feel a little pain in my lower back and belly, I was quite excited but I had to wait to see if those were real contractions. At about 2:00AM I was sure they were coming every 10min so we headed to the hospital, on our way, this time shortened to 5min and the intensity rised like hell. When we arived at the hospital there were so many people, so many babies were borning and it took forever for me to see my doctor. When she finally saw me it was 3:00AM and I was dying, so she asked me to make an axam to check the baby's heart, so I did and at 5:00AM sehe was sure I was in labor and sent me to my room. as soon as I arrived there I took a hot shower and tried to relaxed. The sun was rising the view from the room was amazingly beautiful, but I couldn't really enjoy it cause the pain was killing me. My cute huby took this pic to remind me how we are done with the having babies thing: hahaha

After that I dicided that I could'nt take that any longer and the nurse who was with me suggested the tub. When I got inside that tub, it was like heaven..... I could even smile, and my lovely lover said how beautiful I looked (although I don't agree), so I let him take some pics

Soon came teh time I could take it anymore, really! So I askd my husband to call the doctor cause she was coming. The doctor almost didn't have time to arrive when my pretty lady showed up for the first time.

Just perfect and hungry, poor little princess

It's been almost 1 month already and I can't believe I'm doing it. Haaving 2 kids is not easy, but I love being able to do such a thing and keed doing stuff I like....
This is probably the longest blog I've ever posted, but I wanted to share this so badly. hahahahaha
this is it for now

I keep on this come and go thing with the SG... but my days have been busy to death

I guess now that my older kid is back to school and I'm on my maternity leave, I'll have more time to spend here

My cute daughter has finally arrived and she is just perfection

I was waiting for her to be born since december 26th but she was a little lazy...

And the Christmas came....

And she didn't... hahahaha
I was freaking out cause the end of pregnancy is like... very dificult, I couldn't sleep, couldn't eat, couldn't enjoy walking....

I used to sleep the whole day long, and take pics of myself and take care of my older kid
These were my last pics pregnant, just 1 or 2 weeks before the labor

And then on January 7th I finally felt something!!! It was about 6:00PM and I started to feel a little pain in my lower back and belly, I was quite excited but I had to wait to see if those were real contractions. At about 2:00AM I was sure they were coming every 10min so we headed to the hospital, on our way, this time shortened to 5min and the intensity rised like hell. When we arived at the hospital there were so many people, so many babies were borning and it took forever for me to see my doctor. When she finally saw me it was 3:00AM and I was dying, so she asked me to make an axam to check the baby's heart, so I did and at 5:00AM sehe was sure I was in labor and sent me to my room. as soon as I arrived there I took a hot shower and tried to relaxed. The sun was rising the view from the room was amazingly beautiful, but I couldn't really enjoy it cause the pain was killing me. My cute huby took this pic to remind me how we are done with the having babies thing: hahaha

After that I dicided that I could'nt take that any longer and the nurse who was with me suggested the tub. When I got inside that tub, it was like heaven..... I could even smile, and my lovely lover said how beautiful I looked (although I don't agree), so I let him take some pics

Soon came teh time I could take it anymore, really! So I askd my husband to call the doctor cause she was coming. The doctor almost didn't have time to arrive when my pretty lady showed up for the first time.

Just perfect and hungry, poor little princess

It's been almost 1 month already and I can't believe I'm doing it. Haaving 2 kids is not easy, but I love being able to do such a thing and keed doing stuff I like....
This is probably the longest blog I've ever posted, but I wanted to share this so badly. hahahahaha
this is it for now

Ok, she's in the very top row 4th from the left. It's Jyou, the singer from exist trace, the band I posted.
It's confusing, isn't it?? haha ♥
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