The weather will soon turn cold and rainy. Compared to places with a real winter, this is nice, but I do miss the sun. It does make it a bit easier to work, but harder to do participatory sports and the holidays will soon come - things are always much more tense around family for the holidays - high expectations. I enjoy everyone much more when it's on more relaxed terms.

And by God those Red Sox came back from a 7-0 deficit in 3 innings. I'm not a fan of either team, but it's pretty remarkable.
And there appear to be the first glimmers of hope on the economy. Pretty scary stuff for the last 4 weeks. Everyone stops doing business with everyone and pretty soon we're all unemployed.
And the feminist revolution won't be complete until women let women be who they are, even if it's politically very different or a very different lifestyle choice. And men take them seriously - men on the left in positions of power to be more precise (see Hillary).
I guess finally I am wondering about two people to whom I was very close until 2-3 years ago, but haven't seen in a while. I am surprised there is no interest. It doesn't make sense to me. My judgment couldn't have been that far off. I guess so. Patience I guess is best in these situations. I suppose I really don't know what is going on in their lives and it may/likely does have nothing to do with me.
I want to go to Vegas! (But lack the patience these days to practice counting cards, alas.)
I'd really enjoy Vegas but for the time.....

And by God those Red Sox came back from a 7-0 deficit in 3 innings. I'm not a fan of either team, but it's pretty remarkable.
And there appear to be the first glimmers of hope on the economy. Pretty scary stuff for the last 4 weeks. Everyone stops doing business with everyone and pretty soon we're all unemployed.

And the feminist revolution won't be complete until women let women be who they are, even if it's politically very different or a very different lifestyle choice. And men take them seriously - men on the left in positions of power to be more precise (see Hillary).
I guess finally I am wondering about two people to whom I was very close until 2-3 years ago, but haven't seen in a while. I am surprised there is no interest. It doesn't make sense to me. My judgment couldn't have been that far off. I guess so. Patience I guess is best in these situations. I suppose I really don't know what is going on in their lives and it may/likely does have nothing to do with me.
I want to go to Vegas! (But lack the patience these days to practice counting cards, alas.)

I'd really enjoy Vegas but for the time.....

Very few people read their PMs... or maybe that's just me. There's just too many freaks about, and what's worse, they just keep going; reappearing in the vague hope you if they message you 10 times *this* week you'll care. Steer clear of that and things will be fine, sir. 

Ehi!! ^^