So, I walked into work today and the assistant manager tells me that yesterday our manager resigned! They only both started about 2 months ago. Shame to see her go, she's a nice girl. Though, in all honesty I did notice that she knew pretty much nothing about toys. She has a passion for retail and the manager role, but not for toys, and to me it was really obvious. As soon as I was told the news the assistant manager said to me "I'm going to ask to be promoted to her position, and recommend that you get my job!" Holy shit!!! So exciting!!!! I really hope I get this promotion!!!! We had a discussion on the situation, and both agree that it would be the best move in the owner's favor. If he goes with our suggestion, he will only need to hire a part timer, which could very well be a student, which means it'll be cheaper for him. Sales have been low since the end of the holiday season, so it only makes sense for him to want to hire someone younger so he doesn't have to pay higher wages. Plus it's easier to train a part timer. If he just promotes me and the current assistant manager, then that's a smoother transition. We both know how the shop works, know heaps about toys, and are very passionate about them too! Easy peasy macaroni cheesy!
Assistant manager spoke to him about it today, and owner said he has been thinking about doing exactly what we suggested.... So, wish me luck everyone, I hope that the owner decides to go with our plan!!! A little more pay and more hours would be much appreciated on my end! 

sending good vibes! I hope you get that promotion!
Good luck Sinny pants!