Wow... so it's been a while. Sorry!
I guess I just kinda got swept away with life happenings that I forgot to post on here! oopsie.. So what have I been up to you ask?
Well I guess I'll try and track back from around the time I last posted a blog. But first I will warn you, this will be long, and will have a few pics, so if you want to skip it all go ahead, but please don't forget to pay attention to something special at the end of this blog! It's something that I'm extremely excited about and don't want any one to miss it!
A few months after my previous blog my little niece was born. Sweet little Indigo, I love her dearly! It's been so amazing to watch her grow over the past year. She's going to be 1 this Saturday and I am pretty bummed that everyone forgot to tell me, or assumed I already knew the plans of her birthday party. So I won't be attending since I can't get off work.
Ah well, Sis in law and family will be at in laws house after the party, so I'll still get to see her. I've asked that we wait to give her presents from me and Marty until then, that way I will get to see her open at least one!
Let's see then, after that was me and Marty's 1 year wedding anniversary! We spent the weekend in a lovely Victorian era cottage in the Dandenong ranges. The cottage was simply the most beautiful little thing ever, I wanted to live there forever!!!!! We went on Puffing Billy, the old steam locomotive. It was soo cool!!!!! Now it's nearly May again, and we will be celebrating our 2 year anniversary!! Wow!!!! Time sure does fly! haha
Hoping to go up to Sydney this year,visit with Helly and maybe get some new tattoos.
After that I lost my job, and it was pretty crappy. Damn visa restrictions only letting me work there for 6 months!! I loved working at Game... ok I lied. I hated that company. 90% of the people were assholes. I did love working with video games though, I just felt so in my element! I went back a week later asking for my job back, because I had my visa approved which meant no more restrictions. Nope. That fast they had filled it! Jerks!
Fast forward to July and I found myself a sweet new job, which I've stayed at since. Now I'm at a toystore, of the kiddie variety of course! It's a blast!!!! I get to play with toys all day! I'm convinced that they hired me simply because I put that I have a collection of a few hundred Star Wars figurines in my cover letter. Also, it could be because I look like a Lalaloopsy doll! In fact, that's even my nickname at work - Loopsy!
Somewhere in between all of this we got an feathered addition to the family! A cockatiel named Ella. Ella is amazing, she does al sorts of funny things, like saying "ELLO!" when we walk into the room, or two distinct types of kissing noises. We even taught her how to sing the Imperial March! BEST BIRD EVARRRRR!!!!
Her favorite place is on my head, in fact that's where she is as I type this!
She even likes to cuddle with me and Buffy!
In other news we also got this amazing new bed!
It's a bitch trying to find a canopy for it though, all I can find are those hideous mosquito net things!!! eww!!!
We had my parents over for Christmas this year, which was great, because I hadn't seen them since the wedding!!! 5 weeks was pretty stressful though >.<
In celebration of their first Aussie Xmas we decided to get a real tree. I'm not sure what it's like in other parts of the world, but where I come from usually only super poor people get fake trees and everyone has a real tree. In Australia it seems to be the complete opposite, where the norm is to get a fake tree and you only get a real one if you're rich! It was Marty's first ever real tree, and now he's hooked! He says we will never get another fake one again! Woohoo!!!
**Update on Ella.... She's now trying to lean over my forehead and preen my eyebrows, in the process pushing my hair into my eyes. Silly bird you're making this difficult! lol **
So, my awesome job at the toy store is never without lots of laughs!
This is what I get up to at work:
Yep, I have to test all returns. Which in some cases means spending the whole morning putting things like this together! Turns out peach didn't work, but I had a blast playing with the Mario one, which did work!
Sometimes I buy Lego Darth Vader keychains
Or an Indiana Jones hat!
Sometimes parts of costumes fall off, and the costume gets sold without the accessory, and we find it weeks later.... which means I'm a Vulcan for the entire day! LIVE LONG AND PROSPER!!!
I also get to do things like make displays. One day I decided to open one of each of the Nerf Guns and make a giant display out of it! I don't have a picture of that, but after I made the display we spent the reest of the day playing with the Nerf Dart Tag set
What a productive day hahaha
Sometimes it does get boring though.... Especially after Christmas.... I guess this is why we open all the toys and play with them so often. Sometimes I just draw though, nothing special.. just quick doodles, but I thought I'd share anyways!
Ok enough pictures! The coming weeks are so full of excitement!!! Marty is going to have his first ever art exhibition and I am beyond excited for him!!!! I can't wait!!!!!! I know he's super stressed right now but I know he's going to do wonderfully and it's going to be amazing!!!!! <3
After that He's going to be exhibitiong at the Supanova convention here in Melbourne. Woohoo!!! i need to figure out something to wear!
He's also got something else up his sleeve that I am the most excited about, I've watched his creative process for it and it is going to to be AB SO FUCKING LUTE LY AMMMAAAZZIINNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't say anymore though, but maybe he will soon
The other day I went op shopping trying to find bits for my Little Sister costume for the annual SGAU Ball and found this pretty print by Mucha. I'm so in love with it!
Sorry for the crappy pic...
I also scored a copy of Wuthering Heights for only $3 so I'm pretty happy with that, even though I didn't have any luck on finding costume components
In other news I'm starting a business! Or, well I'm trying. This is a test run of sorts I guess you could say. I'm selling hand made acrylic necklaces. They're all designed by lil ol me
I have plenty of designs at the ready, but I'm testing the waters first with only one design. If I sell enough then I'll release more! So please check them out and tell all your friends! I'd really like for this to take off because I want nothing more than to share my art with the world in the form of super cute and colorful necklaces!
You can visit my website, and purchase them for $10 a pop here at QWERKY!
and be sure to like my facebook page too! Qwerky! on Face Book
and if you made it this far
here's a present:

I guess I just kinda got swept away with life happenings that I forgot to post on here! oopsie.. So what have I been up to you ask?
Well I guess I'll try and track back from around the time I last posted a blog. But first I will warn you, this will be long, and will have a few pics, so if you want to skip it all go ahead, but please don't forget to pay attention to something special at the end of this blog! It's something that I'm extremely excited about and don't want any one to miss it!

A few months after my previous blog my little niece was born. Sweet little Indigo, I love her dearly! It's been so amazing to watch her grow over the past year. She's going to be 1 this Saturday and I am pretty bummed that everyone forgot to tell me, or assumed I already knew the plans of her birthday party. So I won't be attending since I can't get off work.

Let's see then, after that was me and Marty's 1 year wedding anniversary! We spent the weekend in a lovely Victorian era cottage in the Dandenong ranges. The cottage was simply the most beautiful little thing ever, I wanted to live there forever!!!!! We went on Puffing Billy, the old steam locomotive. It was soo cool!!!!! Now it's nearly May again, and we will be celebrating our 2 year anniversary!! Wow!!!! Time sure does fly! haha

After that I lost my job, and it was pretty crappy. Damn visa restrictions only letting me work there for 6 months!! I loved working at Game... ok I lied. I hated that company. 90% of the people were assholes. I did love working with video games though, I just felt so in my element! I went back a week later asking for my job back, because I had my visa approved which meant no more restrictions. Nope. That fast they had filled it! Jerks!
Fast forward to July and I found myself a sweet new job, which I've stayed at since. Now I'm at a toystore, of the kiddie variety of course! It's a blast!!!! I get to play with toys all day! I'm convinced that they hired me simply because I put that I have a collection of a few hundred Star Wars figurines in my cover letter. Also, it could be because I look like a Lalaloopsy doll! In fact, that's even my nickname at work - Loopsy!

Somewhere in between all of this we got an feathered addition to the family! A cockatiel named Ella. Ella is amazing, she does al sorts of funny things, like saying "ELLO!" when we walk into the room, or two distinct types of kissing noises. We even taught her how to sing the Imperial March! BEST BIRD EVARRRRR!!!!

Her favorite place is on my head, in fact that's where she is as I type this!

She even likes to cuddle with me and Buffy!

In other news we also got this amazing new bed!

It's a bitch trying to find a canopy for it though, all I can find are those hideous mosquito net things!!! eww!!!

We had my parents over for Christmas this year, which was great, because I hadn't seen them since the wedding!!! 5 weeks was pretty stressful though >.<
In celebration of their first Aussie Xmas we decided to get a real tree. I'm not sure what it's like in other parts of the world, but where I come from usually only super poor people get fake trees and everyone has a real tree. In Australia it seems to be the complete opposite, where the norm is to get a fake tree and you only get a real one if you're rich! It was Marty's first ever real tree, and now he's hooked! He says we will never get another fake one again! Woohoo!!!

**Update on Ella.... She's now trying to lean over my forehead and preen my eyebrows, in the process pushing my hair into my eyes. Silly bird you're making this difficult! lol **
So, my awesome job at the toy store is never without lots of laughs!
This is what I get up to at work:
Yep, I have to test all returns. Which in some cases means spending the whole morning putting things like this together! Turns out peach didn't work, but I had a blast playing with the Mario one, which did work!

Sometimes I buy Lego Darth Vader keychains

Or an Indiana Jones hat!

Sometimes parts of costumes fall off, and the costume gets sold without the accessory, and we find it weeks later.... which means I'm a Vulcan for the entire day! LIVE LONG AND PROSPER!!!

I also get to do things like make displays. One day I decided to open one of each of the Nerf Guns and make a giant display out of it! I don't have a picture of that, but after I made the display we spent the reest of the day playing with the Nerf Dart Tag set

Sometimes it does get boring though.... Especially after Christmas.... I guess this is why we open all the toys and play with them so often. Sometimes I just draw though, nothing special.. just quick doodles, but I thought I'd share anyways!

Ok enough pictures! The coming weeks are so full of excitement!!! Marty is going to have his first ever art exhibition and I am beyond excited for him!!!! I can't wait!!!!!! I know he's super stressed right now but I know he's going to do wonderfully and it's going to be amazing!!!!! <3

The other day I went op shopping trying to find bits for my Little Sister costume for the annual SGAU Ball and found this pretty print by Mucha. I'm so in love with it!

Sorry for the crappy pic...

I also scored a copy of Wuthering Heights for only $3 so I'm pretty happy with that, even though I didn't have any luck on finding costume components

In other news I'm starting a business! Or, well I'm trying. This is a test run of sorts I guess you could say. I'm selling hand made acrylic necklaces. They're all designed by lil ol me

You can visit my website, and purchase them for $10 a pop here at QWERKY!
and be sure to like my facebook page too! Qwerky! on Face Book
and if you made it this far
here's a present:
". Which in some cases means spending the whole morning putting things like this together!"
racetrack! awesome!!
Vader!! awesome!!
nice drawings!!