I was awoken around 8 am by a phone call from my parents. All I could hear on the other end was my mother panicking and shouting that she needed me to log in to the ETA website and fax the info to her. I started freaking out. I went to the website, sleepy eyed and barely able to see, and tried to log in to at least view her information. However, I needed a number of some sort, I cant remember what it was called. She tells me that the people at the airport refuse to give them boarding passes because they don't have paperwork for their visas. Which is incredibly stupid of them to ask for since ETAs are electronic. It's a Electronic Transit Authority. It's stored in the chip that's in everyone's passports. It even states on the ETA website that the staff at the airport will ONLY need the passport to check the ETA.
So, whilst I'm panicking & crying (and have woken up Marty, who happens to be sick at the moment) she goes over to the do it yourself kiosk to try and tries to print them off herself. While I was crying and Marty was doing his best to console me, my mum had luck! The kiosk printed out all of their boarding passes no problem! She hung up and told me she would call me back after they got through security.
A tense, nerve-wracking, and very slow hour passes and she finally calls me back.
They had MORE issues. After she'd hung up the first time they first had to go drop their bags off. They refused to take them, on account of the ETA still. She told me she started kicking up a fuss demanding they take them because she refused to miss her only child's wedding. In the meantime my dad had run over to another airline's ticketing counter to ask them for help. The lady at this counter couldn't believe what they were having to go through and immediately started helping them. She let them use the internet to get into mum's emails but just as the page loaded they were being paged to board the flight. They let them in!!! I'm not sure why, but I'm wondering if it might have to do with my mum causing such a fuss and drawing so much attention. hahahaha
Sounds like something my mum would do anyways
She told me she was on the plane and before she could tell me anything else then her phone cut out.
Fast forward 4 hours or so, I kept track of their flight and she hadn't called me yet, so I decided to call her to make sure they made it ok. They landed safely in Los Angeles, had three seats to themselves, so they got to stretch out a bit, which is good.
Her phone cut out again, and i tried to ring her back but shes out of credit so she cant accept the call. As i type this they have about 30 minutes or so till they board the plane to get on their very first overseas flight! I'm so excited!! I haven't seen them in over 9 months!!!
There will definitely be some calls made to Delta in the near future. Their service was completely unacceptable!
What a way to wake up, though!
So, whilst I'm panicking & crying (and have woken up Marty, who happens to be sick at the moment) she goes over to the do it yourself kiosk to try and tries to print them off herself. While I was crying and Marty was doing his best to console me, my mum had luck! The kiosk printed out all of their boarding passes no problem! She hung up and told me she would call me back after they got through security.
A tense, nerve-wracking, and very slow hour passes and she finally calls me back.
They had MORE issues. After she'd hung up the first time they first had to go drop their bags off. They refused to take them, on account of the ETA still. She told me she started kicking up a fuss demanding they take them because she refused to miss her only child's wedding. In the meantime my dad had run over to another airline's ticketing counter to ask them for help. The lady at this counter couldn't believe what they were having to go through and immediately started helping them. She let them use the internet to get into mum's emails but just as the page loaded they were being paged to board the flight. They let them in!!! I'm not sure why, but I'm wondering if it might have to do with my mum causing such a fuss and drawing so much attention. hahahaha

Fast forward 4 hours or so, I kept track of their flight and she hadn't called me yet, so I decided to call her to make sure they made it ok. They landed safely in Los Angeles, had three seats to themselves, so they got to stretch out a bit, which is good.

There will definitely be some calls made to Delta in the near future. Their service was completely unacceptable!
What a way to wake up, though!

I feel like we are soooo far apart now!
Do you have a phone? Can we text or does it cost tons?
This girl has great spats!
Don't be nervous, Enjoy your wedding it only happens once. I wish so badly I could be there.
I'm SO SO SO proud of you. You are doing things you never thought were possiable.