Panic ensues.
I had thought I scored with the boots I bought for my wedding....
boy was I wrong.
I got them months ago and tried them on. Sure they were a bit roomy at the top of the foot & at the ankle, and they were hard and not cushioned at all in the sole. They actually hurt to wear. I figured I could let it slide and just get some insoles.
So, that's exactly what I just did today. I finally got myself some insoles. I happily came home and popped them into my pretty Victorian inspired wedding boots, then slid them on my foot (whilst battling with both Buffy and Wez who thought of the super long laces as toys to play tug-o-war with), and thats when it started.
I felt this pain before when I had first tried the boots on, I thought I could convince myself it would be ok. I kept them on for about 5 minutes, trying to lie to myself that the pain would ease. I began to cry when I realized my attempts were futile. The pain shot up from my toes up to my knee, and only now (2 hours later) is it starting to ease up. I've never had a problem with wearing heels or boots before, so it must be the hardness of the sole?
In short, I need new shoes/boots for the wedding. I need them ASAP. The wedding is only 21 days away now, and I am completely freaking out. I don't have the time to order anything from America or England (where most everything I want just so happens to be inconveniently located). Australia seems to have shit all in online shops and I have no clue where to even find the type of shoes I am after in an actual shop.
Anyone care to help me find some shoes?
These are the ones that are causing me so much pain:

Ideally I'd like something like this in an Ivory color, but I know my chances of finding that are slim to none...

I can't stop panicking, Help!

I had thought I scored with the boots I bought for my wedding....
boy was I wrong.
I got them months ago and tried them on. Sure they were a bit roomy at the top of the foot & at the ankle, and they were hard and not cushioned at all in the sole. They actually hurt to wear. I figured I could let it slide and just get some insoles.
So, that's exactly what I just did today. I finally got myself some insoles. I happily came home and popped them into my pretty Victorian inspired wedding boots, then slid them on my foot (whilst battling with both Buffy and Wez who thought of the super long laces as toys to play tug-o-war with), and thats when it started.
I felt this pain before when I had first tried the boots on, I thought I could convince myself it would be ok. I kept them on for about 5 minutes, trying to lie to myself that the pain would ease. I began to cry when I realized my attempts were futile. The pain shot up from my toes up to my knee, and only now (2 hours later) is it starting to ease up. I've never had a problem with wearing heels or boots before, so it must be the hardness of the sole?
In short, I need new shoes/boots for the wedding. I need them ASAP. The wedding is only 21 days away now, and I am completely freaking out. I don't have the time to order anything from America or England (where most everything I want just so happens to be inconveniently located). Australia seems to have shit all in online shops and I have no clue where to even find the type of shoes I am after in an actual shop.
Anyone care to help me find some shoes?
These are the ones that are causing me so much pain:
Ideally I'd like something like this in an Ivory color, but I know my chances of finding that are slim to none...
I can't stop panicking, Help!

You might also try taking *those* boots to a cobbler and see if they can do anything to help you. I wonder if the problem is that the footbed is too slippery, and so you're having to tense your foot to avoid sliding. If so, padding isn't what you need - you just need something that'll give you a stronger purchase on the shoe. You might even try wearing it with no socks to see if the pain goes away. I know that sounds counterintuitive, and I don't promise that it'll work, but desperate times call for desperate measures!
I think that mellon brings up a solid point. It makes perfect sense, and is certainly worth a shot.