And say I come,
Wind of spices whose song is ever
O, hurry over the dark lands
And run upon the sea
For seas and lands shall not divide us
My love and me.
Now, wind, of your good courtesy
I pray you go,
And come into her little garden
And sing at her window;
Singing: The bridal wind is blowing
For Love is at his noon;
And soon will your true love be with you,
Soon, O soon.
- James Joyce
I really love this poem. Absolutely beautiful!

I just finished all my valentines day pressies for Marty!

I just really wish we could be together on v-day...

or together in general...
I miss him so much... it hurts like no other pain I have ever experienced...

I just wish I could be in his arms again, so badly...
In other news, I have a new job! I had my first day today, and it was fucking awesome! I do believe this is quite possibly the single most awesome job in the entire universe! I work at a doggy daycare as a handler. So, in simpler terms I get to sit around and play with a bunch of doggies all day and get paid for it! We have web cams at work, and Marty made this gif image while watching me!
If you wanna lurk me while i work, go here: New Orleans Dog Nanny [dot] com
Sadly, this job is only part time, so I shall have to bust my ass and make some art to sell. I really hope I can....
I need to save up money for a visa and a one way plane ticket ASAP!!!!!
I'm sick of just visiting...
It hurts to be away from my love...
I just want to go home.
Right now.