Hi everyone! I've left for Awesomeland!
In Houston at the moment, at a hotel with Noir
will keep yall updated as much as i can
update thursday10:14 pm
beppo is here now
noir and i have been jumping off the tv stand onto the beds and jumping across the beds and having pillow fights!! i was also chasing froggies in the courtyard. but i couldn't catch any
oh and i stained the pillow while we napped awaiting beppos arrival. its spotted with pink dye now! uh oh! 
update saturday i have no idea what time it is.
we had a verrryyyy long flight to tokyo today! i watched the last mimzy on the plane. it was SO GOOD OMG!! i like that film! it was very nice
we attempted to get a hotel to so we could go sight see and whatnot but EVERYTHING was booked up! poopies!v
it was VERY hot over there, much like back home
i was covererd in sweat. it sucked. the girls are all so cute over there. one of the secutiry girls even waved her wand over my taters a few times after i told her i had peircings that may've been making the metal detectors go crazy, all the while with a cute grin on her face oh ohz!
i ate SUSHI as well, and have discovered that i like OCOTPUS! uh oh watch out kyle. i may munch on you
so now were in gaum. it smells good on this island. i saw a kitty outside the hotel room it was very tiny and cute! [btw dont worry i didnt kidnap any japanese girls or try to catch the kitty!] i have no idea what time it is right now. theres no clock in this room. hahaha
we are leaving in the evening for cairns, AWSOMELAND!!!!! and should arrive there at 11:30ish pm. from there we will be booking a flight to MELBOURNE 

wed 5:58 pm
im in melbourne now
more updates later. going for pizza now!
miss shell makes the BESTEST pancakes EVAHHH!!!
In Houston at the moment, at a hotel with Noir

will keep yall updated as much as i can

update thursday10:14 pm
beppo is here now

update saturday i have no idea what time it is.
we had a verrryyyy long flight to tokyo today! i watched the last mimzy on the plane. it was SO GOOD OMG!! i like that film! it was very nice

wed 5:58 pm
im in melbourne now

miss shell makes the BESTEST pancakes EVAHHH!!!
i need to pay more attention to things!
cant wait to see you with marty and
the gang!!!