well we made it to fl.
at a relative's house for the night because we couldnt make it to the apartment office before it closed due to traffic.
we're moving into the apt tomorrow.
we have no furniture.
but we did steal pillows from the hotel. so at least we have pillows!
i don't know how long it will be till we get internet in our apt.
i'll be back as often as possible till then! speaking of the internet, can anyone suggest a cheap ISP in FL(no dial up!)?
so uhm. we don't know anyone here.
and we only kinda know our way around from playing GTA vice city too much.
i swear it's a good thing i can't really drive. i'd be all like "OH HOOKERS!" *vvvvvvvvvrrrroooooommmmmmm*
mmmm gta.
where the stoners at, y0?
at a relative's house for the night because we couldnt make it to the apartment office before it closed due to traffic.
we're moving into the apt tomorrow.
we have no furniture.
but we did steal pillows from the hotel. so at least we have pillows!
i don't know how long it will be till we get internet in our apt.
i'll be back as often as possible till then! speaking of the internet, can anyone suggest a cheap ISP in FL(no dial up!)?
so uhm. we don't know anyone here.
and we only kinda know our way around from playing GTA vice city too much.
i swear it's a good thing i can't really drive. i'd be all like "OH HOOKERS!" *vvvvvvvvvrrrroooooommmmmmm*
mmmm gta.
where the stoners at, y0?
Hi Sin! I would like to join the NOLA group. I'm originally from NO, but I live in DC now. My entire family is still there and I visit regularly. I'm interested in knowing more about the SG members there. Let me know what you think. Thanks.

Vice City as a true representation of Miami might, no, will get you in trouble. haha