sorry for the lack of updates and for not being online much anymore. cometboy and i are about to move to fl. near miami. he will be going to scratch academy and most likely attending full sail in the fall.
we've been staying in one of the apartment his family rents till we move, it's pretty cool. it's right around the corner from bourbon so listening to all the drunk people go crazy is pretty funny. it was alot more funnier to me on new years especially!! (thanks for the nummy mushroomies sweetie
cometboy got me a playstation2 for xmas!
so we've been snuggling, cuddling, playing video games, and getting stoned
well ill try to be back on more often. we're leaving around the 10th for fl.
holy crap this is exciting!
we've been staying in one of the apartment his family rents till we move, it's pretty cool. it's right around the corner from bourbon so listening to all the drunk people go crazy is pretty funny. it was alot more funnier to me on new years especially!! (thanks for the nummy mushroomies sweetie

cometboy got me a playstation2 for xmas!

well ill try to be back on more often. we're leaving around the 10th for fl.
holy crap this is exciting!
Sin did you get my message?