*warning. very long entry*
well i'm back from my visit with cometboy. i had alot of fun!!! it was the most wonderful thing in the world to be able to snuggles up in each others arm and fall asleep together. i'll have to leave out most of the details of what happened while there *giggle* but it was really great! he took me to a chinese resturant when i got there where i ate the biggest shrimp i ever saw. they were huge!
i already miss him loads
i wanna go back..i need to be with him.
i hate greyhound. first off my ticket was handwritten. the terminal i left from was closed and they'd moved to a gas station temporarly where the lady had to call and set everything up on her cellphone and then handwrite the tickets so i didnt know exatcly what busses to take or what times they departed.
on my way up to ohio, i was in efingham, il. i nearly missed my bus as no one could tell me which bus i had to take and what time it arrived. well i ran up to the driver and he said his bus was full. i broke out into tears as it was the last bus i had to take before reaching my final destination. i was so scared i would get stuck and not get to see my cometboy he let me on the bus but i had to sit on the floor in the aisle. as did two other passengers. there was a third person sitting on the steps. yeah i know that was illegal. i'm going to report him. some lady kept kicking me, shes was getting all huffy puffy.. at that time i didnt care, i was only focused on getting to my boyfriend.
i finally got there. it was so GREAT to see him again. we mostly stayed in the dorm, but that's okay. lots & lots of cuddle time. lots of screaming, in a good way though ... hhehehe
i was suposed to leave on the 10th, but the roomies alarm didn't go off cause he forgot i had to leave and turned it off! so i missed my bus. the next day i was going to take a later bus, to make things easier. then when i checked on the website to recheck the scedule...the bus was missing from the site. so we set the alarm again made sure the roomie didnt turn it off and i left at 9am on wednesday morning, barely catching the bus. but, at least i got to stay an extra two days!! it was quite fun and absolutly adoreable to see the cute little smirk in his face each day extra i got to stay due to missing them.
so i got on the bus home just in time. once i reached birmingham, al theshit hit the fan. i asked numerous employees, numerous times what bus i had to take to get to my final destination and what time it arrived. all of these people told me "gate 4, 9:45pm" and so i waited. and waited. the bus came and i got in line to board it. driver says, "no this isnt your bus, go talk to the lady at the counter". she says "your bus left at 8:30.the next one isnt till 8 am" i call my mom collect from the pay phone to tell her i'm stranded. my dad freaks out and demand he comes to get me. and so i waited until 5 am on a hard metal chair until my dad and uncle arrived to pick me up. they drive 5 hours from new orleans to birmingham. he took me to waffle house. it was surreal, it was a CLEAN waffle house. and the food wasnt bad! then the jeep started shaving violently. i knew what it was after the road trip cometboy and i took in the summer. he had an egg in his tire. so we had to wait till 7 am for the tire store to open. then we we're off. back home. i slept the whole ride. i got home and slept all day.
my poor comet was worried sick about me all that day since i'd not come online. i felt bad, but he understood because i was sleeping. i miss him already. i need to be with him, and he needs me there too. soon my love, soon. i'm doing everything in my power to get back up to ohio.
i love you cometboy
on a totally different note. i'm having withdrawls. from what you ask? two things i tell you. wacom & webcam!
i often find myself (on a daily basis) opening photoshop and reaching for my wacom tablet. but it's not there anymore. i've also noticed myself reaching for the usb cord of my webcam to plug it in, or opening my webcam software. but it's not there anymore. katrina ate them.
i feel like some junkie being denied heroin. AHHHH!
my mommy bought me the platinum edition dvd of cinderella today. i want to get all of my disney collection on dvd as i only have them on vhs. they're mostly all broken due to age and my watching them constantly. yes i am a disney nerd too. my favorite is the little mermaid. it was the first movie i ever saw in a theatre.
the only good thing to come out of these stupid hurricanes it that i've aqquired three new animal companions! a day or two after the storm(i cant really remember it's all mushed together but it was right afterwards) a friend's sister gave me her puppy! she got angry when it had an accident of the carpet and started screaming "fuck this!!! i dont want this damn dog anymore!!!" so i quickly replied "i'll take her, have no worries she will be in a safe and loving home" and so she gave me her little fluffly black pomeranian puppy and handed me the leash saying "she's YOUR responsibilty now!" i reploed "gladly miss!thank ya kindly!" and cuddled my new puppy. her name is Zelda. then 2 weeks ago my dad found what i believe to be a gohper tortoise in my backyard whilst cleaning up trees that'd fallen. i named the tortoise Lucky. the same day we rescused a german shepherd that was running in the streets. we've still found no owner so my parents decided that we will keep her. shes so beautiful!! so, i named her after the egyptian queen, Nefertiti. i'll update later when i'm able to take photos.
two more quick notes before i end this painfully long entry (btw you rock if you've read this far!*high five*)
i'd like to say thank you to LeprechaunMan for giving me his Guild Wars account! that was so rad of you man. i love this game already. so if any of ya'll play guild wars come look for me, the names Astrum Acerbus. m0unds isn't always available to play it with me..so yeah..someone come help me with this mission cause i keep getting killed hahaha.
and lastly, who the fuckin hell are all you people sendig me friend requests? i beg you please talk to me first, become friends with me. if you don't do this i will not accept your friend request. i've kept many of them sitting there in hopes that maybe some of these people will talk to me. only one person has and that was Avivah.
okay. i'll be in SGchat. byebye.
well i'm back from my visit with cometboy. i had alot of fun!!! it was the most wonderful thing in the world to be able to snuggles up in each others arm and fall asleep together. i'll have to leave out most of the details of what happened while there *giggle* but it was really great! he took me to a chinese resturant when i got there where i ate the biggest shrimp i ever saw. they were huge!
i already miss him loads

i hate greyhound. first off my ticket was handwritten. the terminal i left from was closed and they'd moved to a gas station temporarly where the lady had to call and set everything up on her cellphone and then handwrite the tickets so i didnt know exatcly what busses to take or what times they departed.
on my way up to ohio, i was in efingham, il. i nearly missed my bus as no one could tell me which bus i had to take and what time it arrived. well i ran up to the driver and he said his bus was full. i broke out into tears as it was the last bus i had to take before reaching my final destination. i was so scared i would get stuck and not get to see my cometboy he let me on the bus but i had to sit on the floor in the aisle. as did two other passengers. there was a third person sitting on the steps. yeah i know that was illegal. i'm going to report him. some lady kept kicking me, shes was getting all huffy puffy.. at that time i didnt care, i was only focused on getting to my boyfriend.
i finally got there. it was so GREAT to see him again. we mostly stayed in the dorm, but that's okay. lots & lots of cuddle time. lots of screaming, in a good way though ... hhehehe

i was suposed to leave on the 10th, but the roomies alarm didn't go off cause he forgot i had to leave and turned it off! so i missed my bus. the next day i was going to take a later bus, to make things easier. then when i checked on the website to recheck the scedule...the bus was missing from the site. so we set the alarm again made sure the roomie didnt turn it off and i left at 9am on wednesday morning, barely catching the bus. but, at least i got to stay an extra two days!! it was quite fun and absolutly adoreable to see the cute little smirk in his face each day extra i got to stay due to missing them.

so i got on the bus home just in time. once i reached birmingham, al theshit hit the fan. i asked numerous employees, numerous times what bus i had to take to get to my final destination and what time it arrived. all of these people told me "gate 4, 9:45pm" and so i waited. and waited. the bus came and i got in line to board it. driver says, "no this isnt your bus, go talk to the lady at the counter". she says "your bus left at 8:30.the next one isnt till 8 am" i call my mom collect from the pay phone to tell her i'm stranded. my dad freaks out and demand he comes to get me. and so i waited until 5 am on a hard metal chair until my dad and uncle arrived to pick me up. they drive 5 hours from new orleans to birmingham. he took me to waffle house. it was surreal, it was a CLEAN waffle house. and the food wasnt bad! then the jeep started shaving violently. i knew what it was after the road trip cometboy and i took in the summer. he had an egg in his tire. so we had to wait till 7 am for the tire store to open. then we we're off. back home. i slept the whole ride. i got home and slept all day.
my poor comet was worried sick about me all that day since i'd not come online. i felt bad, but he understood because i was sleeping. i miss him already. i need to be with him, and he needs me there too. soon my love, soon. i'm doing everything in my power to get back up to ohio.

on a totally different note. i'm having withdrawls. from what you ask? two things i tell you. wacom & webcam!
i often find myself (on a daily basis) opening photoshop and reaching for my wacom tablet. but it's not there anymore. i've also noticed myself reaching for the usb cord of my webcam to plug it in, or opening my webcam software. but it's not there anymore. katrina ate them.

my mommy bought me the platinum edition dvd of cinderella today. i want to get all of my disney collection on dvd as i only have them on vhs. they're mostly all broken due to age and my watching them constantly. yes i am a disney nerd too. my favorite is the little mermaid. it was the first movie i ever saw in a theatre.
the only good thing to come out of these stupid hurricanes it that i've aqquired three new animal companions! a day or two after the storm(i cant really remember it's all mushed together but it was right afterwards) a friend's sister gave me her puppy! she got angry when it had an accident of the carpet and started screaming "fuck this!!! i dont want this damn dog anymore!!!" so i quickly replied "i'll take her, have no worries she will be in a safe and loving home" and so she gave me her little fluffly black pomeranian puppy and handed me the leash saying "she's YOUR responsibilty now!" i reploed "gladly miss!thank ya kindly!" and cuddled my new puppy. her name is Zelda. then 2 weeks ago my dad found what i believe to be a gohper tortoise in my backyard whilst cleaning up trees that'd fallen. i named the tortoise Lucky. the same day we rescused a german shepherd that was running in the streets. we've still found no owner so my parents decided that we will keep her. shes so beautiful!! so, i named her after the egyptian queen, Nefertiti. i'll update later when i'm able to take photos.
two more quick notes before i end this painfully long entry (btw you rock if you've read this far!*high five*)
i'd like to say thank you to LeprechaunMan for giving me his Guild Wars account! that was so rad of you man. i love this game already. so if any of ya'll play guild wars come look for me, the names Astrum Acerbus. m0unds isn't always available to play it with me..so yeah..someone come help me with this mission cause i keep getting killed hahaha.
and lastly, who the fuckin hell are all you people sendig me friend requests? i beg you please talk to me first, become friends with me. if you don't do this i will not accept your friend request. i've kept many of them sitting there in hopes that maybe some of these people will talk to me. only one person has and that was Avivah.
okay. i'll be in SGchat. byebye.

So now I just have to try and find some sort of rescue place still taking animals. Which is kind of turning out to be impossible.