and the black clouds opened and out poured the songs of the damned, their screams in vain for the task masters of the void weren't taking any shit today. the screams crystallized the air and it fell to the ground where the shards cut into the flesh of the ignorant, spilling their life goo upon the earth... the masters were furious, without the ignorant there was no one to harvest the pineal glands of the newly born, no one to haul off the bodies of the newly damned, or to serve them bannanna cream pies on thursday night while they were watching midget porn. the masters retaliated by lining up the damned and cutting out their tounges and feeding them to the crocodiles of the mind pits, the damned would scream no more, the ignorant would remain as they were, and the masters would get their pies. yeah i don't know where im going with this, im done.

depends on how devoted I feel at the time, I dont usually do them all in one sitting, so I can't really measure an average--I did the red knight while watching the star wars trilogy, so I guess about 6-7 hours for the big ones (I'm really easily distracted, I know I suck)
I once made a pumpkin pie from real-live pumpkins that I grew in my very own garden. It was pretty damn good. I hope to do that again next year.