Not really sure why I'm writing a new entry on here as I somehow doubt anyone actually reads my blog on here or even cares. Still I write this anyway, as it amuses me for a few moments at least.

So what is new in the world of me? Not that much to be honest all I've done lately is work and more...
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I can't believe it's August already where has this year gone already!!! Life has been great these past few months, getting better and better I'm glad to say.

Had an awesome birthday with my girlfriend back in June, had the best time while she was staying with me. We always do. All round its been a good summer so far....
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The photo-shoot with Claire last week was awesome!! Got some amazing photos if I do say so myself. Since most of it was an outdoor shoot we got the best weather for the effects we were going for. We managed to get 3 different themes for the whole shoot. We got over 300 shots, which most of were perfect.

These are just a few of...
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Very nice shots! smile I'm just stopping by to thank you for the lovely comment on my set Sunshine Through My Window in MR. Its very appreciated!

Di kiss
Wedding Photo-shoot
Not long back from my best mates wedding, where I was doing the wedding photography. Photos actually came out quite good considering it was my first wedding shoot, plus with the added pressure o it being my best mates wedding. Luckily they are really happy with the photos to.

Also talking about shoots have another new portrait shoot on Wednesday and hopefully another...
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The best of luck with getting some shooting in hun!

Everything is still great with, getting better and better. Never thought I could be this happy and it last....YAY! Got myself a part-time job to help fund my photography business, which I'm loving. So hopefully the extra cash will help me get my photography off the ground and make a success of it quicker.

Got a new model shoot to...
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I'm glad life is good for you hun!
HEHE thanks for the comment on my set!! I'm glad it was fun, hehe it was fun to shoot!! Oh thats awesome your happy, I love happiness!!
Love Meww (and you)

God it has been so long since I have written on here. So much has changed! My life, my world everything! Tho I am glad to report that I am in a happier place in my life. My health is getting better, would go as far to say as back to normal (almost). I'm with the love of my life, which...
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Hey hun! I just wanted to thank you for stopping by and leaving me a set comment on my debut! Sorry it took me so long to get back to you lol I have been very busy! But the comment meant so much to me! I hope your doing well, and again thank you smile love kiss
I could hug you to death thank you!
Hey ain't life just great...lol. No I ain't bein sarcastic! (for once). Anyone who know's me know's how shit I've been feeling lately n how crap things have been for me. But I think things might just be looking up for me on the health front. Since last Friday I've been feeling great. No cramps n wanting to passout, no feeling down n depressed.

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aberdeen ftw!
I thought it was time for a bit of a revamp n clean out. So I've deleted most of my photos from my profile, in particular my "My Photography" ones. Since I've started my photography business became more cautious of people being able to steal my work. So sorry folks (if any of you care...lol). Also the rest of the photos are all dated stuff,...
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if you leave
i demand updates!
Today was my first official photoshoot for my business. Was a lil nervous, altho done photoshoots before this is my business now so was a ll scary...lol. Got paid too....yay!...lol.

It went quite well, the shoot was a kinda glamour shoot, which i was ok with but just a lil nervous. Didn't help when one of the models decided she was gonna try n flirt...
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aww im glad your photoshoot went well!
and im sure you'll find a girl like the one you described.
hey dude! (^_^) long time no hear from. I am glad to see your doing good, and CONGRATS on the new job man thats awesome.

Just updated my profile and thought I would come on over and say hello (^_^)

see ya round bro.