I just want a place that calls for just me. I want to be in my place, content and able to reflect everyones image toward and of me. And I can forget everything that's happened. I hope I can find this place eventually in my life, even if its for a moment.
Everything is perfect, so why do I feel like nothing is right?
i love that you still go on here!
I feel like I dont belong anywhere and I would just rather disappear for awhile.
i think im better off living in solitude by myself for all of eternity.
You are the smell before rain.
You are the blood in my veins.
You are the blood in my veins.
Thank you, stranger
For your therapeutic smile
For your therapeutic smile
whats the point in being with people when all you do is fight? i hate fighting. but what do you do when two people just cant get it right? i really dont need all this relationship stress on top of the infinate amount of schoolwork, that is hard enough to get done with out having a relationship. im so sick of everything. i feel like...
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i love youjavascript:insertSmilie('');
i love youjavascript:insertSmilie('');
i havent been on here in a few weeks. Since when dont i have spare time for life?? well i do, i supppose, just i dont want to spend my weekends on the internet. and the rest of the week is schooooooool.
i dont care what you may say now, but i will never like you again because of what you said about me behind my back when we first met. No, im not bitter, im just past the point of caring about backstabbers like you.
cut dos bitches!
cut dos bitches!
i got a tattoo tonight. sweet.
I did take the time and I know how you feel. In the news the other day I heard that three Chicago schools didn't meet the criteria, so what are they doing? Closing them... I'm not sure how that helps at all. It simply creates unemployment and overcrowding in classrooms.
faslling alseep while driving
i saw the robot exhibit at the museum of science and industry yesterday. \
FUCK YEAH. thats pretty much all that matters.
i almost hyperventalated. it was amazing.
there are certain things i just cant deal with. one being my roommate leaving dirty dishes everywhere, q tips on the floor along with candy wrappers, and the completely utter lack of respect for others, make up all over the bathroom counter, the forgetting to flush the goddamn toilet....