Let Her Rise
Oh dearest lady, most perfect one,
Your eyes, to me, are brighter than the sun,
Darkness was my lot, until you came along,
Dancing with your magick, swaying,
Singing a mysterious song,
You are Life, the meaning of Being and Becoming,
You are a Star, you are a Sun,
You are the Moon, it's kiss,
Oh lovely Queen of the Earth, the battle you have won,
For you draw me into you, as I dissapear,
You call my name, and down fall all my fears,
For I know very well, that I am just a fool,
A petty pauper, though an unpolished jewel,
Arise, oh Queen, return to rule the Earth,
Mother of Brightness,
Mother of the Invisible,
Mother of the Underworld, and of the Black Sun,
As we decorate you, with silk and sweetness,
Diamonds, jewels, and intricate headpieces,
We bring to you a throne, of the most precious gold,
Oh Mother, we desire to be One again, with thy Eternal Soul.
And so we sing, as we dance,
Sacred kisses, heavenly, yet fiery romance,
We ride the waters, we walk on lightwaves,
We fly to to stars, up and down we walk on the spiral staircase,
For no matter the time, no matter the place,
Infiniti's dream, or in between worlds of the secret gates,
We come from you, and so we always return,
At journey's end, inside you, we are reborn.
Cobie Romero
Simon H. Magus 137731
1:04 p.m.
Photo Credit: Igor Slovak(Aratron's Art)
"Ascending" - Photographer: Igor Slovak