Yeah it's friday night time to smoke a spliff and chill out!! smile smile smile smile smile smile smile smile smile smile puke
Im doing criminological studies at Aber(Daft)y Uni in Dundee. Pile o bollocks i tell thee. The course itself is really good but its just all the extra shit that goes with it. Silly sociology courses. I already have a degree in Psychology. Im basically just fannying about some more biggrin
thanks, but i'm very content with my present photographer wink

enjoy your smoke smile
Well had a strange few days. But that's normal. Friends come and go and unfortunately people betray you.mad Still life goes on I suppose.
Hey found some interesting music Skinnyman - council estate of mind. Really cool. I'll email a sample to anyone who wants a listen.
Peace and love SimonDragon xxx
I'm sorry to hear people have been giving you grief,but it's true,life does go on.
Thanks for the comments! smile
Hey People,

I'm new to all to so first I'll tell you all a little bit about me.
I'm a 28 year old guy. Who is into lots of different things. Vast tastes in music and film and books. Really into chatting about anything and everything.
I'd say I was quite political in some senses I'm definely an environmentalist, and left of centre.
I'm a...
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