I've been waiting years for a real vacation again! I know this is mildly redundant but damn I am excited! Only 4 days till I see my best friend that I haven't partied with in almost two years, get to see a great football game against my mother's school, and get to go on a fantastic cruise! 10 days of solid drinking, fun, and partying here I come! I haven't had this good of a time planned since the last time I was truly single almost 4 years ago.
Anyone in LA/Pasadena is free to come to my cruise/partying! haha. Doubt that'd happen but what the heck.
On a side note...any advice on how to deal with the girl at my work that I'm completely in love with who flirts with me all day long and tells me how wonderful I am...yet goes home to her boyfriend of a year every night?
webcam for the lido deck right by my room in less than a week!

Anyone in LA/Pasadena is free to come to my cruise/partying! haha. Doubt that'd happen but what the heck.
On a side note...any advice on how to deal with the girl at my work that I'm completely in love with who flirts with me all day long and tells me how wonderful I am...yet goes home to her boyfriend of a year every night?
webcam for the lido deck right by my room in less than a week!
That's awesome man! I'm majorly jealous...party your ass off my friend...you deserve it! Side note...idk about your situation cause I don't know her, but some people just like to flirt and don't necessarily have any intention behind it. Sounds like that might be the case since she is still with this guy and seems to be happy with him. Idk, but I think you have liked this girl for some time and if she was serious I think you would have known it by now. Just my opinion
Have fun on your cruise!!!

So how was the vacation?