Blah...I hate waking up too early on days I work. So I just sit here bored. I've been single and out of my long relationship for 5 months now...and I hate my ex with a passion for everything she did to me...but then why do I still find myself caring about her? She's a terrible person but I still think about her every once in a while OH well. I need someone new.
Just don't know how to get'd be hard to trust someone again. I am DYING without sex for this long though haha. Majorly sucks
Sorry for the random rant! Have a good day all...
Just don't know how to get'd be hard to trust someone again. I am DYING without sex for this long though haha. Majorly sucks

So, I can say the same about my ex. However, he's still one of my best friends. People are human & have emotion and make mistakes. It's what you take from that situation & experience. I'm only speaking from the lil' bit that I do know. But chin up babe. You know you're destined for amazing things. The hurt & angry is all still so raw. It takes time.
yeahh...she didn't make mistakes..she purposely was malicious and psycho. i hope she burns in hell.