Hello any and all out there!
I just reactivated my account after about 6 months. Good to be back and browsing the girls and groups I loved! Hope everyone had a great new years and will have an awesome 2012!
I'm hoping to get a promotion at work soon and start paying off my bills and getting somewhere good soon. My birthday is in a...
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I just reactivated my account after about 6 months. Good to be back and browsing the girls and groups I loved! Hope everyone had a great new years and will have an awesome 2012!
I'm hoping to get a promotion at work soon and start paying off my bills and getting somewhere good soon. My birthday is in a...
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thank ya much. I will definitely look into that! I don't need to lose a ton of weight, I'm just in horrible shape and have gained back the 20 lbs I lost a year or so ago.
welcome back, and good luck, im tryin to lose about 20lbs myself 

Welllll been a month since my last post.
Hope everyone had a fantastic holiday season (I'm being politically correct as much as that hurts me lol). I had a good Xmas at my parents' house just the 3 of us. Nothing fancy. It was good to do that though, the last several years I was with my evil whore of an ex and kinda got...
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Hope everyone had a fantastic holiday season (I'm being politically correct as much as that hurts me lol). I had a good Xmas at my parents' house just the 3 of us. Nothing fancy. It was good to do that though, the last several years I was with my evil whore of an ex and kinda got...
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Hope everyone had a fantastic, fun, full, and loving Thanksgiving with someone special! Family, friends, anyone!
I had the best Thanksgiving in years...albeit confusing. Finally my parents and I are getting along again after a rough couple of years...long story. I was only there for 24 hours but it was nice. I have tons of leftovers from them.
Other part...sooo the girl that I work...
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I had the best Thanksgiving in years...albeit confusing. Finally my parents and I are getting along again after a rough couple of years...long story. I was only there for 24 hours but it was nice. I have tons of leftovers from them.
Other part...sooo the girl that I work...
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Holy shit dude! Check you out with your self control! I'm impressed! It sucks that she won't leave this guy she clearly isn't in love with for you though... who knows, she may surprise you and turn it around, but don't let her dick you over in the mean time.
Ya she insists she'd be devastated if she lost me as a friend etc etc...
Yet cause her bf was getting jealous and suspecting her we can't talk or see each other outside of work anymore. She like won't talk to me about anything about us anymore either and avoids it but drops all these hints. I wish her bf would do something stupid so she'd dump him. lol
Yet cause her bf was getting jealous and suspecting her we can't talk or see each other outside of work anymore. She like won't talk to me about anything about us anymore either and avoids it but drops all these hints. I wish her bf would do something stupid so she'd dump him. lol
So who said going back to work after a long vacation is bad?
First day back today and I'm offered a promotion and nearly a 20% raise! Woohoo!
Anyone see the cruise ship on tv that had a fire and stranded everyone? Yup that was my ship! Right after I got off. Man that woulda suckeddd.
First day back today and I'm offered a promotion and nearly a 20% raise! Woohoo!
Anyone see the cruise ship on tv that had a fire and stranded everyone? Yup that was my ship! Right after I got off. Man that woulda suckeddd.
I'd especially like a wormhole / space time disruptor that would get me to AZ in the wink of an eye... ;P
Holy shit dude! On both counts - your pay rise and the ship going up in flames!
Helloooo anyone and everyone out there!
I'm current at LAX waiting for my delayed flight back to Tucson. All in all a fun trip! More details later I suppose! How's everyone been?
I'm current at LAX waiting for my delayed flight back to Tucson. All in all a fun trip! More details later I suppose! How's everyone been?
Yay good trip
I love airports, mostly for the people watching. I bet LAX is amazing people watching

I love airports, mostly for the people watching. I bet LAX is amazing people watching

Hah it was...the cruise was even better for people watching... 

I've been waiting years for a real vacation again! I know this is mildly redundant but damn I am excited! Only 4 days till I see my best friend that I haven't partied with in almost two years, get to see a great football game against my mother's school, and get to go on a fantastic cruise! 10 days of solid drinking, fun, and partying...
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That's awesome man! I'm majorly jealous...party your ass off my friend...you deserve it! Side note...idk about your situation cause I don't know her, but some people just like to flirt and don't necessarily have any intention behind it. Sounds like that might be the case since she is still with this guy and seems to be happy with him. Idk, but I think you have liked this girl for some time and if she was serious I think you would have known it by now. Just my opinion
Have fun on your cruise!!!

So how was the vacation?
Alright so I thought I'd write again...hasn't been much exciting to talk about I guess!
For one...I'm freaking excited for my first real vacation in like over 3 years (everything else was for my ex that I didn't want to do). I am going to spend 3 days in Pasadena with my good friend from college and watch the Wildcats kill the bruins in football...
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For one...I'm freaking excited for my first real vacation in like over 3 years (everything else was for my ex that I didn't want to do). I am going to spend 3 days in Pasadena with my good friend from college and watch the Wildcats kill the bruins in football...
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it's hot that i'm a dork

Ahahaha, isn't karma great? I love it when things like that happen! Sounds like she's got her comeuppance for being such a bitch!
And karma has dealt you a sweet card too - that cruise ship looks awesome! Hope you have lots of fun!
And karma has dealt you a sweet card too - that cruise ship looks awesome! Hope you have lots of fun!

So anyone else out there really annoyed by there job and feel underutilized and unappreciated?
Oh well I don't mean to complain too much or anything. Although if anyone out there could kill the smoking hot and absolutely incredible girl at my work's boyfriend so I can take over that'd be greatttttt.
OH well again! Time to party...it's the weekend! Don't be afraid to...
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Oh well I don't mean to complain too much or anything. Although if anyone out there could kill the smoking hot and absolutely incredible girl at my work's boyfriend so I can take over that'd be greatttttt.
OH well again! Time to party...it's the weekend! Don't be afraid to...
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Helloooo again. Just a quick blurb. My dumb keyboard has been broken and I haven't been bothered to get a new one yet! I hardly am online like I used to be when I was younger...but I have even less of a life now. Seems contradictory. Oh well...anyone out there who reads this should just stop by and say hello!
Hi doll! You know you can chat with me anytime you want to be entertained 

Hello! Ahhh it's nice to be away from the computer isn't it? I should be away from it right now actually... hmmm...
So this is probably the least manly sounding thing ever but lately I've had this weird urge to start growing some of my own herbs, fruits, veggies etc. I love to cook almost every day from scratch and I just think it'd be awesome to have homegrown, fresh stuff. Only a few problems with this (discounting the girly gardening argument).
-I know nothing about the...
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-I know nothing about the...
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You can start the plants inside then move them outside 

Yeah that's what I thought too. The heat is so bad here I thought they might never get started if I did it all outside.