Stupid pc game keeping me awake till friggin 4am yesterday, thus causeing my total and complete inability to be asleep when I NEED to be for the waking up at 7am thing....
But happiness due to house actually starting to look like one instead of a friggen hazerdous waste dump site
Thank you Uncle Shaka for finally cleaning your damned room! And getting all the friggen crap off the table and somewhere in that same room.
Maybe just maybe I can get the holes in the plaster fixed soon too. And get those damned curtains hung up instead of a bath towel with thumbtacks holding it in place. If i wasn't afraid I'd drill a hole above the window in the wrong place I would've fucking done it myself already. And perhaps the chunks of wood missing from the doorframe can get replaced too.
But I'm getting ahead of myself. Curtains and plaster first.
But happiness due to house actually starting to look like one instead of a friggen hazerdous waste dump site
Thank you Uncle Shaka for finally cleaning your damned room! And getting all the friggen crap off the table and somewhere in that same room.
Maybe just maybe I can get the holes in the plaster fixed soon too. And get those damned curtains hung up instead of a bath towel with thumbtacks holding it in place. If i wasn't afraid I'd drill a hole above the window in the wrong place I would've fucking done it myself already. And perhaps the chunks of wood missing from the doorframe can get replaced too.
But I'm getting ahead of myself. Curtains and plaster first.

I have nothing to say...and I'm saying it.

I hear ya' sister!