i had such a fucking weird dream last night, and i think its because i was watching the hunted with emile and anita last night.. in the dream i was michelle pfeifer (however the fuck you spell her name) or i was her playing this ex-soldier who was the most efficient killing machine ever. i went to mexico with my husband, who was some sort of diplomat. and while we're there these guys start coming after me because of who i used to be. and we try to flee the country, but i get intercepted and my husband leaves without me, but he has my passport. so he's gonna come back for me and i have to get to the airport, and im panicking because i don't know where it is, and these guys are chasing me and im running and visciously killing anyone who gets in my way and performing these weird stunts. (keep in mind that all this time im michelle pfeifer) and there's this constant state of tension because these guys are one step away from catching and killing me. and i FINALLY get to the airport which looks more like a train station. and there's my husband, and these guys are right behind me and i dont know if i can reach him in time, and for some reason he cant do anything to help, just stand there, and i know, that if i can somehow reach him, those guys will have to stop chasing me. then i wake up.
weird, eh?
weird, eh?

weird, but it might make for a great movie.
it's your inner fire saying men are useless pigs..