I made delicious blueberry muffins! And, having leftover blueberries, decided to also make a yummy blueberry coffee cake. These goodies were devoured by me and my roommates in a day. I'm glad they turned out well.
So, I've been living in the house for half a week now, and a lot of it is really great. It's so beautiful, and I'm figuring out my neighbourhood, and trying to budget, and I'm getting to know the people I live with, which is really lovely, because they're nice. I still have a slight (completely... Read More
I'm back from Italy, and dead tired... it was amazing. i cant believe i saw the art that i did.. *sigh*
alright, must go sleep. see you in twelve hours
Okay neighbors from the North. In one week I'm travelling to Dorset, specifically Lake Kawagama for days on end of mountain biking. What else is there to do? If nothing, I'll just keep pedaling.
i haven't been able to view any photos or sets on this site in such a long time. none of them will open for me.. i dont know if its my computer or what.
i had my first day of training at starbucks today.... good LORD but they practically fed caffeine to me intreveneously. i arrive early, and they say "good, you have time to have your free pre-shift coffee" i go on break "you can have as many beverages as you can drink during your break" i leave "you want a coffee to go?" not to mention the... Read More
so, so far i've had a really great birthday, and i haven't even had my party yet!! on thursday (after i suffered through an exam, and frantically finishing a fianl paper), i came home and had drinks with my whole family.. and when it came to presents, i got spoiled. since i'm moving in a little over a month, pretty much everything i asked... Read More
You see the window 2/3 of the way down on the left with the three most recent entries?
Now on the same window look to the top right hand corner of the three most recent entries, there's an ALL button that should get you to where you are going.
Up on the top, see where your user name is in bold pink?
Under that there is the word 'Home'. CLik on home.
Now, do you see the friends windows 2/3 down on the left?
blueberries are so good