Ahhhh *stretches*.... Today was my day off!
-went to the gym
-Peirced nipples
-Bought hair dye
-filled gas
Yeah I just dyed my hair recently, but its too pink and I won't be able to put in my hair extensions. I like dying my hair fuschia, but everyone seems to like the red. I know, I know "who cares what ppl say?" but at the sametime, its good to have ppl state their opinions cause when I used to over tan and draw in my eyebrows... I thought it looked good, but no one else did. Believe me... I look back in shame. I looked like burned toast with Mcdonalds arches for brows!!

Thats me re-dyeing my hair, Goodbye Pink Bush!!!
I've been having eating problems, I think theres an obese person living inside me lol. It's because when I am home I go nuts. and its not even an emotional thing..... I just do it!! I am not talking about a chocolate bar here and there, I am talking about a whole cake and 263725 sandwiches. I wish I can oneday be one of those girls, who can eat till they feel satisfied. Instead of eating like I'll never see food again!

This is a little mountain of underwear, while I was cleaning my drawyers *dive in*

This is Ryu... he's the baddest bitch around! Mmmm kay?
-went to the gym
-Peirced nipples
-Bought hair dye
-filled gas
Yeah I just dyed my hair recently, but its too pink and I won't be able to put in my hair extensions. I like dying my hair fuschia, but everyone seems to like the red. I know, I know "who cares what ppl say?" but at the sametime, its good to have ppl state their opinions cause when I used to over tan and draw in my eyebrows... I thought it looked good, but no one else did. Believe me... I look back in shame. I looked like burned toast with Mcdonalds arches for brows!!

Thats me re-dyeing my hair, Goodbye Pink Bush!!!
I've been having eating problems, I think theres an obese person living inside me lol. It's because when I am home I go nuts. and its not even an emotional thing..... I just do it!! I am not talking about a chocolate bar here and there, I am talking about a whole cake and 263725 sandwiches. I wish I can oneday be one of those girls, who can eat till they feel satisfied. Instead of eating like I'll never see food again!

This is a little mountain of underwear, while I was cleaning my drawyers *dive in*

This is Ryu... he's the baddest bitch around! Mmmm kay?
wicked pictures.. u have a great face wow.. itz awsomeeeeee
wat up? xxx