Well, I didn't make it to Indy last night to see Kali and co. strip, because I was busy being robbed at fucking gunpoint as I left work... that sort of put a crimp in my plans. No one got hurt or anything, but they (two guys in the requisite hoodies and ski masks) trashed my office and ripped out all the phone and computer lines, so Tuesday morning is going to be fun times cleaning everything up. They only got $300 or so anyway. Suckers.
They took my security guard's gun and his keys and everything, and my wallet, but I keep all my important stuff in my jacket so I still have my debit card and my cell phone. They probably got about $40 of mine and my Subway punch card
They took my security guard's gun and his keys and everything, and my wallet, but I keep all my important stuff in my jacket so I still have my debit card and my cell phone. They probably got about $40 of mine and my Subway punch card

I've never had a security guard, not one I was aware of anyway.
"Robbed at gunpoint" is one of those interesting life experiences that will distinguish you from the population at large. "Drove to Fairbanks in dead of winter, ran off road twice in Canada on the way, was minus 55 when I arrived" is one of mine.
Anyone who likes both Red Planet and Orbital might do well as a friend of mine.