Who's tired of their job? Me!
I'm tired of being a plague upon society. Only a few more months, though, and I'm going to quit and go work the cruise season in Alaska starting in May. Sell crappy shot glasses to little old ladies, go hiking, save some money. Throw all my useless crap away before I go, learn to live with less. I've kept up with the little changes I've been making- I'm ready for some slightly larger changes now.
On a lighter note, my fortune cookie yesterday agreed with me.
I'm tired of being a plague upon society. Only a few more months, though, and I'm going to quit and go work the cruise season in Alaska starting in May. Sell crappy shot glasses to little old ladies, go hiking, save some money. Throw all my useless crap away before I go, learn to live with less. I've kept up with the little changes I've been making- I'm ready for some slightly larger changes now.
On a lighter note, my fortune cookie yesterday agreed with me.
i am still interested...