There is an all-male secret society which exists among us. They meet in private and conduct secret rituals. They wear special uniforms, use secret handshakes and signs, and swear oaths of allegiance the cause of the organization. I am speaking, of course, about the Boy Scouts. They use secret symbols to convey their sinister purpose. Their emblem includes the fleur-de-lis, a symbol of royalty, indicating their intent to topple our democracy and set up a monarchy of the elite. On top of the fleur-de-lis is an eagle, representing power and force, and a shield with the stars and stripes, indicating their intentions to seize power of the US government. Most members are kept out of the loop, but there is an inner circle of higher initiates called "Eagle Scouts" who are taught the true secrets of the organization. They count many rich and powerful people amongst their ranks, including:
- Neil Armstrong
- Michael Bloomberg
- James Brady
- Michael Dukakis
- Gerald Ford
- Dick Gephardt
- L. Ron Hubbard
- Richard Lugar
- Robert McNamara
- Henry Paulson
- Donald Rumsfeld
- Gordon Smith
- Sam Walton
- William Westmoreland
All Eagle Scouts, all powerful men of influence. All belonging to a secret organization that plots to take over the world.
Yea, I'd love to ask you to!!!! You can design my body mods!