Barcelona was fun, a good ol' boy's outing.
I orignially wanted to go away for a few days, so I could be someplace where I would hear a language other than French, but as irony would have it, I ended up hanging out with Frenchies all weekend. I also realized how far I have come, how well I can speak and understand. Also how comfortable I am in france period. This leads to another irony, one that happend today, bit first: pitcures!!!
I orignially wanted to go away for a few days, so I could be someplace where I would hear a language other than French, but as irony would have it, I ended up hanging out with Frenchies all weekend. I also realized how far I have come, how well I can speak and understand. Also how comfortable I am in france period. This leads to another irony, one that happend today, bit first: pitcures!!!
I just got back my dossier from the prefecture, and before they will issue me the right to work I need to send them doccuments that I just don't have...
This means legal work in France is pretty much out of the question, which is awful because Symbidium and I really need some more money.
<sigh>England is soon...
Early August is when I am moving to Austin. So, maybe. I'd be down for a round about the country road trip.
And, Bon Iver???
Well, maybe a few, but mostly just solid, tasty and affordable.
A few Indian places if ya got any. Some sushi. I could spend on some sushi.
I am stoked to see what you'll recommend.
Oh. Okkervil was incredible. Superb. Incandescent. Just. Damn.
You hitchhiking somewhere?