Well this is as busy as it gets on the Beach in hastings

Lovely weekend, sex. sea, sun. chocolate, haribo and barbies.
Missed Roy though loads.
New site is ok, don`t like the bookmarks, do like the easy friends edit and easy blogs from the past.
Like the bigger space for pics(although i uploaded a pic and it made it smaller). Don`t like the last comments or my friends pics coming up randomly.
What should I put about me on the front page? Any suggestions?
Love to all
I developed a passion for the sea whislt living in Cornwall, so I'll take any excuse to go to the coast. It can become a little claustrophobic in the city it's good to see some open space.
I'm not sure of the good beaches in the south, I haven't been to Rye but Camber Sands is quite nice.
....& why is it the moment you get e free house you feel the need to run around naked, I always got that when my flatmates left