What is?
What is, the worst thing you ever done?, this is very cliche question, and many people will answer that the worst thing they have ever done, is to stay with someone, or something else. Sometimes we just get into this question so many times, "what i did this?", "why i didn't do that"... well, everything you did took where you are right now (reading this blog xD), into this page, into that city, made you stay with the person you are right now, gave you the children you have, made you cry, made you laugh; every little thing, is like a small portion of a decision you made to stay here, and many other things; so you should never be repented of anything you ever done.
Nevertheless, i am, and there's one thing that i think is the worst i ever done... grow up!, to lose the child, the innocence, some might says "you need to grow up", yeah we have to!, but it seems that when we grow up, we forget we were childs, and we lose all of it, we even complain to our children with things they do without remembering you did that too, and that meant something to you, is like the empathy and the memories are gone, so we smack them and yell at them, instead of talk to them and teach them what to do or not. Look, i'm not trying to tell anybody how to be a parent, because is not my point in here.
I've been in this site for almost 3 months, and i have found people like me, with the same tastes, with the same passion, with the same will to live, free. People that "haven't lost completely the child"; many of us get labeled because we have naked pics, or sets like any SG, i know girls that having problems because they are SG's, i know many people that get underrated because of having tattoos or piercings (including myself), because that's an "immature" behavior, i wonder were is that shit written?, because so far what I've seen is that here, we are gamers, chatters, exhibitionists, voyeurs, rockers, stoners, and so... Yeah, but you know what?, we are open to the world, we don't hide it!, we don't make people believe we are something we are not!, like a tattoo of an SG says, "better to be an open sinner than a false saint", I'm so agree with that. You know what?, we are also photographers, musicians, poets, models, dancers, designers, publicists, teachers, parents, brothers, sons and daughters, etc, we live the same life like anybody else, in the same world, with the same needs and with the same goals, but without trying to label anybody else.
The intolerance is killing this world and the racism, and the religions; but apparently almost nobody see that, i wonder when the people are going to open their eyes, and look at each others as family, without caring about their status, their appearance, without caring about their flaws and vices. I wonder when the people are going to start to believe in themselves, when are they going to realize that all the evil and all the good are inside of us, that we are the only ones that can save this world, that can change it; but they rather go to their churches, ask god for some guidance, for some help, and when they go out, they don't care about the people around, they discriminate, they label, they make hideous acts. I wanna tell to that people that your god is not here today nor tomorrow, that god that you are looking for is inside you, that power to change the world is inside you, we have the power to create life, and the power to vanish life, the power to love, the power to hate; is just about choosing, taking actions, not waiting for god to help us.
Oh man, i wish i could live in neverland, be a child forever. I love that movie.
I'm not drunk, i'm not stoned xD, i just wanted to say something that i feel, something that consumes me everyday when i go out, when i interact with the world, when i live in this world, the same world for anyone, full of love, full of weapons, full of hopes, full of racism, full of greatness and full of shit.
I wanna also thank to every friend i have here, some of them i know it before this site and i love them, and the others i new it through comments in sets, through the chat (that is vice now xD), the thing is that almost all of you are very much like me, some other are almost the same (you know who you are), and we share so many things. I wanna thank everyone for the kindness, and for making me feel home in this site, a virtual home that we visit everyday, to watch naked-gorgeous girls
, to chat, etc.
Greetings to everyone, you are awesome people.
I have a song for this blog (as usual), a very atypical song for me, but i love the song, and i wanna share it with all of you.
The song is called "Where is the love", from "Black eyed peas".
I'm putting here the song with the lyrics son you can read it...
P.S:I hope my post is not futile, and if you wanna share it with someone else, be my guests.
What is, the worst thing you ever done?, this is very cliche question, and many people will answer that the worst thing they have ever done, is to stay with someone, or something else. Sometimes we just get into this question so many times, "what i did this?", "why i didn't do that"... well, everything you did took where you are right now (reading this blog xD), into this page, into that city, made you stay with the person you are right now, gave you the children you have, made you cry, made you laugh; every little thing, is like a small portion of a decision you made to stay here, and many other things; so you should never be repented of anything you ever done.
Nevertheless, i am, and there's one thing that i think is the worst i ever done... grow up!, to lose the child, the innocence, some might says "you need to grow up", yeah we have to!, but it seems that when we grow up, we forget we were childs, and we lose all of it, we even complain to our children with things they do without remembering you did that too, and that meant something to you, is like the empathy and the memories are gone, so we smack them and yell at them, instead of talk to them and teach them what to do or not. Look, i'm not trying to tell anybody how to be a parent, because is not my point in here.
I've been in this site for almost 3 months, and i have found people like me, with the same tastes, with the same passion, with the same will to live, free. People that "haven't lost completely the child"; many of us get labeled because we have naked pics, or sets like any SG, i know girls that having problems because they are SG's, i know many people that get underrated because of having tattoos or piercings (including myself), because that's an "immature" behavior, i wonder were is that shit written?, because so far what I've seen is that here, we are gamers, chatters, exhibitionists, voyeurs, rockers, stoners, and so... Yeah, but you know what?, we are open to the world, we don't hide it!, we don't make people believe we are something we are not!, like a tattoo of an SG says, "better to be an open sinner than a false saint", I'm so agree with that. You know what?, we are also photographers, musicians, poets, models, dancers, designers, publicists, teachers, parents, brothers, sons and daughters, etc, we live the same life like anybody else, in the same world, with the same needs and with the same goals, but without trying to label anybody else.
The intolerance is killing this world and the racism, and the religions; but apparently almost nobody see that, i wonder when the people are going to open their eyes, and look at each others as family, without caring about their status, their appearance, without caring about their flaws and vices. I wonder when the people are going to start to believe in themselves, when are they going to realize that all the evil and all the good are inside of us, that we are the only ones that can save this world, that can change it; but they rather go to their churches, ask god for some guidance, for some help, and when they go out, they don't care about the people around, they discriminate, they label, they make hideous acts. I wanna tell to that people that your god is not here today nor tomorrow, that god that you are looking for is inside you, that power to change the world is inside you, we have the power to create life, and the power to vanish life, the power to love, the power to hate; is just about choosing, taking actions, not waiting for god to help us.
Oh man, i wish i could live in neverland, be a child forever. I love that movie.
I'm not drunk, i'm not stoned xD, i just wanted to say something that i feel, something that consumes me everyday when i go out, when i interact with the world, when i live in this world, the same world for anyone, full of love, full of weapons, full of hopes, full of racism, full of greatness and full of shit.
I wanna also thank to every friend i have here, some of them i know it before this site and i love them, and the others i new it through comments in sets, through the chat (that is vice now xD), the thing is that almost all of you are very much like me, some other are almost the same (you know who you are), and we share so many things. I wanna thank everyone for the kindness, and for making me feel home in this site, a virtual home that we visit everyday, to watch naked-gorgeous girls

Greetings to everyone, you are awesome people.
I have a song for this blog (as usual), a very atypical song for me, but i love the song, and i wanna share it with all of you.
The song is called "Where is the love", from "Black eyed peas".
I'm putting here the song with the lyrics son you can read it...
P.S:I hope my post is not futile, and if you wanna share it with someone else, be my guests.
Hehe amused you!6 Hahah thanks, what do you mean 

Oohh haha. I'm from montreal! But going to florida for 2 weeks this summer hehe