don't ever let me tell you my family sucks because they don't. they are kick ass. they always pull through for me even when i am sure i will not get what i want. marissa is watching my dog and i have a paid for by my grandparents ticket to fly to texas not tomorrow but next wed. i get to see my only sibling graduate and better yet i get to see the person i love more than my penn dog(almost) graduate, madelain!!! it is all going to be well soon. so what if i miss class. so what if i miss work. so fucking what. i get to see the 2 people i love the most accomplish somthing great. maddy was there for me and i sooooo will be there for her. i even have 2 hour layovers in kentucky and have to leave from toledo but i am still damn happy. ok now i will sleep a happy girl. night
I was stuck at Ft. Lauderdale ariport for about 9 hours. YUK. But, alas, I had time to listen to my whole CD wallet and then some.
Have fun at the grad.
Sleep well o happy one