ian stands in front of the hall closet. where was his damn raincoat when he needed it? he sighs. he ponders silently: what the fuck is going on here? bianca looks sick. not well. where is my raincoat? i hope she isn't going to expect me home tonight.
bianca slides up behind her husband. he turns.
- what the hell, bee? stop fucking around, i've got to get....
bianca holds the syringe next to her body, poised.
- this is going to hurt you much more than it will me.
- huh?
bianca plunges the tranquilizer deep into ian's neck.
his look of rage is quickly dissolved by paralysis. it's almost comical. bianca almost laughs.
bianca slides up behind her husband. he turns.
- what the hell, bee? stop fucking around, i've got to get....
bianca holds the syringe next to her body, poised.
- this is going to hurt you much more than it will me.
- huh?
bianca plunges the tranquilizer deep into ian's neck.
his look of rage is quickly dissolved by paralysis. it's almost comical. bianca almost laughs.
yes, yes. I know, the twain shall meet repeatedly...ummm...between the sheets? no really, they're not that far apart.
on the other subject, yeah, it's really affecting me, really brought a lot of questions and answered some others. if anything it shows the great divide b/w our world and theirs...and how easily those two can meet in the form of cheap tourism and the thousands of travelers caught in the tide.
so my only resolution is to do just that, have a happiest new year and keep on keepin' on. wish the same for you!
...............yeah yr right about the yoga.........sometimes one side of my body is fine while the other is tormented........ I do like the heat though