Bern is back from Hawaii. Yesterday his back was killing him 3 percocet helped put him down, however. Probably not the best thing for his health, since his back pain is most likely from the ecstasy last night. Oh well. Did the trick, though. Poppy & I were able to get away and go to Griffith Park for a little picnic. We laid out a...
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I woke up yesterday and standing at the edge of my bed was a fucking ghost. A strict taskmaster type. A woman with dark, conservative hair. Scared the bloody daylights out of me. Been trying to figure out what the hell she wants. Aside from the construction next door- theyve obviously stirred her resting ground. And aside from the fact that the Hills are notorious...
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see you thursday night...
sounds like the gohst just wants to get shell's #.
easy on the xanax,(did i spell that backwards) remember they come in
3 sections for a reason,your supposed to share.
prop's to the libra's of the world.
we've not yet begun to be led around by our desire's.
oh ya
easy on the xanax,(did i spell that backwards) remember they come in
3 sections for a reason,your supposed to share.
prop's to the libra's of the world.
we've not yet begun to be led around by our desire's.
oh ya
Poppy knows nothing of that little escapade two weeks ago. Thank god. Although who am I kidding? Im at my wits end w/ her and I dont know if I even care what she finds out! Seeing as how I found out something horrid!
Poppy had an affair with Shell about a year ago. Or moreover, Poppy lived w/ Shell & Milo and was something...
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Poppy had an affair with Shell about a year ago. Or moreover, Poppy lived w/ Shell & Milo and was something...
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Quite the serial drama. And I come back for each episode. Look forward even. Like an ex-smoker getting that whiff of second hand exhale from across the table. You're glad you don't do it anymore, but it kind of makes you miss it at the same time. Did I see you - and a bit of this world you let us visit (or re-visit for me unfortuantely) - at the Standard last week?
Pyro huh? :Love:
Last night was Bern's birthday- yet just another one of the usual sinful parties at the o-kay corral, in my opinion. We watched the sun come up. How can you not when crystal meth is coursing through your veins? Sleeping is not an option. Only all nighters. I do so little of the shit in comparison to Bern or Poppy or even any one of...
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come on silverlaker baby, contact me, i'm waiting...
this is lke montel williams
...but better
spill on sistah.
...but better
spill on sistah.
This week has been so hectic. Ive been an utter mess. Who says champagne doesnt cure all? Case in point: Poppy & Bern set a date for their fucking marriage. And its in just one month. Bern wants to make it all legal when he comes back from his recording incubation in Hawaii. Bloody Christ! I dont feel very keen on this union. Since all...
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come to life...
come check out the place i work at, i think you'll dig it...
We finally got it on. Poppy & I went out to dinner on Friday to discuss about maybe collaborating on some upcoming projects. I had wondered before hand if her wanting to talk business w/ me was just a disguised attempt to get in my pants. I hoped it was. But she did have some solid ideas. I think we may be able to create...
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i just got in from 4100, i thought i might see you down there...
*cold shower*
must move back east.
must move back east.
Poppy & I went shoe shopping today. Couldnt stop staring at her tits every time she held up a shoe for my approval. One adorable Diesel heel especially did it for me- all I could think of was her, pressed up against a door with those shoes on, my lips on hers, bodies smashed together, hands sliding up each others skirts.
I made Poppy buy...
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I made Poppy buy...
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tell me if this is right. the love you make is equal to the love you take...
So much is going on around here that I had to take a minute before people started arriving. Ive got the greatest new friend. Shes soooo hot. Big tities and the most luscious lips. The ones on top are the only ones I can confirm for now. I doubt she knows I have a major crush on her, but Im bound to tell her soon....
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take your shirt off and show your tits. i think you're all talk. i'm a silverlaker too, and i've seen you out and about. when i see you again, i'll ask to see your tits, then you'll know it's me...
bogiebeau: need to move to silverlake
i look forward to checkin' back in for another installment.
hope poppy dumps the creep for ya.