So, I made this costume for a murder mystery party thing a while ago and it wound up being a huge nightmare because I could not figure out how to make a super hero costume for my character, "American Legion". I got some advice on here and had promised to post pics but never managed to do so... until now! I rehashed the costume last year for Halloween (I also rehashed my Jareth costume, but that's a different story). So, without further ado: American Legion, Sworn Defender of Conservative Truth, Corporate Justice, and Unrestrained Laissez Faire Capitalism!

Added a (crappy phone pic) detail of the chest armor. Although I really dig the extreme lighting, it hid much of the work I put in painting that damn thing.

Added a (crappy phone pic) detail of the chest armor. Although I really dig the extreme lighting, it hid much of the work I put in painting that damn thing.

dude thats awesome, are you going to the horror convention next weekend in LA?
That's so EPIC-LY awesome!