California, land of the most progressive, liberal bigots in the nation. Congratulations on prop 8, fucking homophobes. When the shoe is on the other foot and someone tries to take one of your rights away for no reason other than their own ignorant beliefs in "right" and "wrong", when you are in the minority trying to protect your individual liberties, don't come begging to me for my vote. When you blatantly take away someone else's civil liberties you forfeit all rights to the protection of your own.
EDIT: for the record, I am not homosexual and I was not fighting to protect my right to marry. I was fighting to protect basic civil liberties. I opposed prop 8 because I strongly believe that what makes this country so special is the founding principal that the rights of each and every individual should be protected, no matter how unpopular. If my history is correct, this is how Utah became so heavily Mormon -- they were seeking a place where they could practice their "outsider" minority beliefs, free of persecution. So, how do they repay this great nation for this liberty they've been given? By spending millions of dollars to remove the very same liberties from people that don't even live in their fucking state!
Prop 8 spits in the face of our founding fathers and shits on the United States constitution. And we just passed it.

EDIT: for the record, I am not homosexual and I was not fighting to protect my right to marry. I was fighting to protect basic civil liberties. I opposed prop 8 because I strongly believe that what makes this country so special is the founding principal that the rights of each and every individual should be protected, no matter how unpopular. If my history is correct, this is how Utah became so heavily Mormon -- they were seeking a place where they could practice their "outsider" minority beliefs, free of persecution. So, how do they repay this great nation for this liberty they've been given? By spending millions of dollars to remove the very same liberties from people that don't even live in their fucking state!
Prop 8 spits in the face of our founding fathers and shits on the United States constitution. And we just passed it.

prop 8 is ... just so insane and leaves me speachless... so glad im in canada =)
We'll be there!