One last word before tomorrow, on Prop 8. This is pivotal to the decision as to whether this is a Christian state enforcing Christian morality on everyone, whether they are Christian or not, or if this is still a state that believes, as the founders of this great country did, that separating religious beliefs from politics is important and necessary to protecting the freedoms of all citizens. Because voting Yes on 8 *IS*, no matter what anyone else might try to delude you into believing, a vote for the belief that homosexuality is a sin, and an attempt to impose that belief on all of us. Why do you think the very large majority of the money for Yes on 8 is coming from the Mormons and other Christian organizations? They do not hide their motives when preaching to their constituency, they openly declare their goal of legislating Christian morality. This is not a big secret, they are just veiling it in their ads.
If Prop 8 passes, God forbid, then it is my personal opinion that ALL references to marriage should be removed from California law. ONLY civil unions should be recognized in the state, and NO marriage licenses should be issued nor recognized. If you truly believe that civil unions are good enough for same sex couples and you aren't trying to deny anyone any rights, then you will be fine with getting the same treatment, right? If your gripe is truly with the fucking definition of the word "marriage" then let's move "marriage" OUT of politics and legislation entirely and drop it entirely into the sole domain of religion. Preserve the "sanctity" all the homophobes suddenly hold so dear by removing all legal significance, so it's nothing more than a ceremonial "show". That way, churches that oppose same sex marriage are free to not perform these shows, those that do not can choose to perform them. Everyone gets equal treatment under the law.
If Prop 8 passes, God forbid, then it is my personal opinion that ALL references to marriage should be removed from California law. ONLY civil unions should be recognized in the state, and NO marriage licenses should be issued nor recognized. If you truly believe that civil unions are good enough for same sex couples and you aren't trying to deny anyone any rights, then you will be fine with getting the same treatment, right? If your gripe is truly with the fucking definition of the word "marriage" then let's move "marriage" OUT of politics and legislation entirely and drop it entirely into the sole domain of religion. Preserve the "sanctity" all the homophobes suddenly hold so dear by removing all legal significance, so it's nothing more than a ceremonial "show". That way, churches that oppose same sex marriage are free to not perform these shows, those that do not can choose to perform them. Everyone gets equal treatment under the law.