Another quick update: Kitty is eating! I went on a shopping splurge and bought every type of food I could find (at 11pm, that is) and put out a buffet of foods. I found the key was mixing his favorite dry food with chicken broth and heating and soaking it until it made a nice spongy mush -- he ate a bunch of that last night. That and Trader Joe's cat tuna. This morning he almost ate a full, normal portion of food! I canceled our appt. with the specialist today, because he seems to be feeling better and I just cannot bear to torture him with anymore poking and prodding just yet. He's been at vets and on drugs for the last month and a half and I just want him to get some normalcy and comfort back. I really hope I'm not making a mistake. Also, the specialist was with the same company that treated him last -- I am worried they will feel obligated to not contradict their other vet, even if he was wrong. So, I have an appt. with Parkview in Glendale in a week -- they got all good reviews from what I've seen (though, the vet that almost killed him also had good reviews). Hopefully he will be feeling better by then. Thanks to everyone that offered kind words of support.
i am glad that your cat is feeling okay, especially after you told us about the vet fiasco!! it was nice to meet you today