Some asshole broke into our house yesterday while we were at work and stole my laptop and digital camera. My favorite part is that they mangled our brand new patio door in the process (and failing to get in, went thru the window instead), costing us more in repairs than the value of the fucking computer and camera. I fucking hate people. A lot.
Oh, and Mr. LAPD was nice enough to come out, four hours after I called, to write down the stuff I told him and shine a flash light around like he was doing something. Don't get me wrong, he was a nice guy and sympathetic and all, and suggested we get a dog or alarm, but... I recall being a kid when our house was broken into and they took pictures and dusted for finger prints. No, instead this guy said, "oh, i'm sure he was wearing gloves". Even though the guy left finger prints in the construction dust all over our house. Seriously, what's the fuckin point?? Even if they happen to accidentally catch this jackhole, they'll never be able to tie him to the crime at our house which means he'll get a lighter sentence and I won't be able to file for restitution.

Oh, and Mr. LAPD was nice enough to come out, four hours after I called, to write down the stuff I told him and shine a flash light around like he was doing something. Don't get me wrong, he was a nice guy and sympathetic and all, and suggested we get a dog or alarm, but... I recall being a kid when our house was broken into and they took pictures and dusted for finger prints. No, instead this guy said, "oh, i'm sure he was wearing gloves". Even though the guy left finger prints in the construction dust all over our house. Seriously, what's the fuckin point?? Even if they happen to accidentally catch this jackhole, they'll never be able to tie him to the crime at our house which means he'll get a lighter sentence and I won't be able to file for restitution.