Wow, I feel so much better right now.
Today was good. It was supposed to be a day where I got all of my work done but nope, it became a day of drinking and smoking and fantasizing. So needless to say, I was useless almost all day.
But oh sweet Jesus, did I do a lot of cleaning! I didn't realize it at the time but it was actually a very good way of procrastinating, so I could continue to put off writing my research paper. But I just finished my rough draft and that makes me so happy. It's only 10pm!! I am actually ahead of schedule! WTF?! So I spent some time jumping around my room and singing along to Ramones, pretending to be a rock star. No matter how old I get, that fantasy never gets tiresome.
Anyhow, I'm done that. And I just feel better now. Sometimes I enjoy being me, sitting back and thinking, drinking and listening to good music. Here's to a good week...
** yay, i got that job i was going for!
not a moment too soon - need the ca$h!! **

But oh sweet Jesus, did I do a lot of cleaning! I didn't realize it at the time but it was actually a very good way of procrastinating, so I could continue to put off writing my research paper. But I just finished my rough draft and that makes me so happy. It's only 10pm!! I am actually ahead of schedule! WTF?! So I spent some time jumping around my room and singing along to Ramones, pretending to be a rock star. No matter how old I get, that fantasy never gets tiresome.
Anyhow, I'm done that. And I just feel better now. Sometimes I enjoy being me, sitting back and thinking, drinking and listening to good music. Here's to a good week...

** yay, i got that job i was going for!

Ilistenforlife that's I listen for life without spaces.