YES!! Although I have sweat rolling down my back and tummy I am a happy girl!! Finally the temperature equals the sunny appearance out side. I. Am. Loving. It! Now I need a body of water that isn't freezing
Working from home is supa convenient, but does not have the view my work office has. And a day like today it's a shame to waste such a view. Not to mention it makes the day feel so much faster to work the first half at home enjoy a sunny train ride and finish out the day starring at the sound.
Today is the first... Read More
Thanks! That's my baby! But she's a constant project, there's always something to fix. Trying to get rid of a backfire stutter issue, its been a real bitch. But hey build. Break. Fix. Repeat
THIS IS MY GRRR FACE!!! So I was thinking I just wasn't able to unpload pictures from my phone but now I'm on a laptop and I can't get this bitch to even browse for a picture! Is it the site? or am I just some kind of special? I hit the browse button to upload pics and nothing happens, sigh now this is my... Read More