Closing this week at work. No more caffeine for me. Ever. Must have new medication. Must sleep. Up since 5:45am. Enjoying baseball for the first time in years. Have a distinct need for male companionship. Very distinct. Hmmm.
I'm back. Since I have only two friends on here and a third who I think is on here, but is thus far anonymous, there can be only a few comments. I have money, and what better thing to do with it then spend it on naked women? Excellent. Have no desire to go to work today but feel an overwhelming need to get out...
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i welcome back all the silver fishies!
Have no money. Will be gone for awhile. See you on the flip side.
I had the single worst dream I have ever had last night. It managed to alienate me from all members of my immediate family, living or dead. I really need a hug right now.
God blisters suck! Went on a walk tonight with R and it was good to get out and exercise, but afterwards I realized that wearing sandals was ridiculous. I had two big ol' blisters right on the pads of my feet. Tried to be cool and cut one of them off. Now it looks as though I walked through a rosebush with no shoes on....
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I have more than I thought.
I don't know. I've changed a lot in the past 3-4 does he describe me?
No pot? Ripoff.
No pot? Ripoff.
I'm already pissed at Jeff for a number of things, and we never talk, so it really couldn't possibly start shit.
Go on. I'm intrigued.
Go on. I'm intrigued.
Summer 2005
Alright, so I've been told that I must update this journal as well as my other one. Turns out I haven't updated my other one for awhile anyway. School is school. I still have to force myself to get up in the morning. I'm hoping that someday I'll enjoy going. Things have been weird around here. It's tough to explain without getting into it. But...
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See, now we can write things to you, and respond and such.
Sorry, it's an SG pet peeve of mine, blank journals.
Sorry, it's an SG pet peeve of mine, blank journals.
now just get a sg pic and you'll be set