'Tis the morning after the morning after and now I feel like a human. Yesterday on top of all the sleep I could possilbly muster I still felt like a jackhammer was pounding on my head. On top of that, it was "pay the bills" day. Yuck! Talk about double whammy of suck.
See what I can't figure out is why after only 2/3 a bottle of that smirnoff drink and nothing but 7 up for the rest of the night, why I could concievably( I know spelling bad) feel like the Lord of the Dance was line dancing in my head.
Well regardless, I've slept and coffee is in my near future and I'm off to celebrate a holiday today. (Lammas or Lughnasadh for those interested in knowing) So brightest blessings to all and hope everyone is feeling better.
See what I can't figure out is why after only 2/3 a bottle of that smirnoff drink and nothing but 7 up for the rest of the night, why I could concievably( I know spelling bad) feel like the Lord of the Dance was line dancing in my head.
Well regardless, I've slept and coffee is in my near future and I'm off to celebrate a holiday today. (Lammas or Lughnasadh for those interested in knowing) So brightest blessings to all and hope everyone is feeling better.

Really- I slept past 8 today for the first time in... as long as I can remember... maybe once at the beach I got to.