What a weekend. Much drunkenness and revelrie was had. Festival saturday and sunday...met lots of cool people, girls too, woo for me. Even got a phone number out of the weekend, not too bad, lol. Marched in the Romeo Peach Fest parade Monday...the real fun was the beer tent afterwards...the World of Beers beer tent even...best part, free beer for pipe band members! W00t! My buddy joined friday, I hear...go say Hi to transplanted. Oh, and I got home to see that Ovida's set finally went up...wooowoo...that grrrl is teh epitome of g33k hawtness.
Can I ask what the Romeo Peach Fest parade is? (I'm ignorant and curious, scary combo)
Woo hoo been looking forward to Ovida's set going up. So excited.
Festivals. I love festivals. What festival did you go to?